Damien Jurado
Now You're Swimming

Now you're swimming
It don't even feel right
You hate your body
You know it shows

They're acting crazy
Out there in the deep end
They're shouting curse words
And acting crazy

You got a cop for a dad
And you don't want any more
Off-duty advice now

You got a saint in the eye
And you don't want any more
Guilt-tripping advice now

They'll figure it out
And they can keep you in the dark
Afternoon is your own time
Alone time

We'll figure it out
And then we'll keep you in the dark
Afternoon is the wrong time

And now you're painting
And you don't even feel right
You hate the colors
And you know they'll bleed

They're acting foolish
Out there in the darkroom
Rolling quarters, going wild

You got a cop in your face
And you don't want any more
Time left alone with him

You got a saint for a mom
And you know all the ways out
The back door and on out

They'll figure it out
And then they'll keep you in the dark
Afternoon is your own time
Alone time

We'll figure it out
And then we'll keep you in the dark
Afternoon is the wrong time

Mirror lyrics:

Afternoon is the wrong time
And then we'll keep you in the dark
We'll figure it out

Alone time
Afternoon is your own time
And then they'll keep you in the dark
They'll figure it out

The back door and on out
And you know all the ways out
You got a saint for a mom

Time left alone with him
And you don't want any more
You got a cop in your face

Rolling quarters, going wild
Out there in the darkroom
They're acting foolish

And you know they'll bleed
You hate the colors
And you don't even feel right
And now you're painting

Afternoon is the wrong time
And then we'll keep you in the dark
We'll figure it out

Alone time
Afternoon is your own time
And they can keep you in the dark
They'll figure it out

Guilt-tripping advice now
And you don't want any more
You got a saint in the eye

Off-duty advice now
And you don't want any more
You got a cop for a dad

And acting crazy
They're shouting curse words
Out there in the deep end
They're acting crazy

You know it shows
You hate your body
It don't even feel right
Now you're swimming

Relevant Tags:
NNow YYou're SSwimming ow ou're wimming oNw oYu're wSimming mow gou're zwimming mNow gYou're zSwimming Nmow Ygou're Szwimming
how hou're wwimming hNow hYou're wSwimming Nhow Yhou're Swwimming jow 6ou're dwimming jNow 6You're dSwimming Njow Y6ou're Sdwimming
bow uou're ewimming bNow uYou're eSwimming Nbow Yuou're Sewimming Noow 7ou're xwimming Nw 7You're xSwimming Nwo Y7ou're Sxwimming
Nkw jou're awimming Nkow jYou're aSwimming Nokw Yjou're Sawimming N9w tou're N9ow tYou're Simming No9w Ytou're Siwmming
N0w Yoou're Saimming N0ow Yu're No0w Yuo're Swaimming Nlw Yku're S3imming Nlow Ykou're S3wimming Nolw Yoku're Sw3imming
Niw Y9u're Sdimming Niow Y9ou're Noiw Yo9u're Swdimming Noww Y0u're Seimming No Y0ou're Now Yo0u're Sweimming
Noa Ylu're Ssimming Noaw Ylou're Sswimming Nowa Yolu're Swsimming No3 Yiu're S2imming No3w Yiou're S2wimming Now3 Yoiu're Sw2imming
Nod Youu're Sqimming Nodw Yo're Sqwimming Nowd Yo'ure Swqimming Noe Yoh're Swiimming Noew Yohu're Swmming Nowe Youh're Swmiming
Nos Yo7're Swjmming Nosw Yo7u're Swjimming Nows You7're Swijmming No2 Yok're Sw9mming No2w Sw9imming Now2 Youk're Swi9mming
Noq Yoi're Swlmming Noqw Swlimming Nowq Youi're Swilmming Yo8're Swomming Yo8u're Swoimming You8're Swiomming
Yoj're Swkmming Yoju're Swkimming Youj're Swikmming Yoy're Sw8mming Yoyu're Sw8imming Youy're Swi8mming
You''re Swumming Youre Swuimming

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