Damien Rice
Cross Eyed Bear

I broke your doll
It was cross eyed, that's all
I only wanted to help it see straight
A half broken moon
Sooner than soon
I was up on your wall
Smaller than small
In a half-painted frame
The wood wouldn't stain
I hope that reminds you
Of the part you couldn't change in me

So push me I'll fall
If you pull me I'll drown
If you're gonna be nailin me down
I won't rise again

I scratched your car
Where the bird left a stain
I only wanted to help you see straight
A half broken moon
Sooner than soon
I was up on your wall
Smaller than small
In a half painted frame
Where the wood wouldn't stain
I hope that reminds you
Of the part you couldn't change in me

So push me I'll fall
If you pull me I'll drown
If you're gonna be nailin me down
I won't rise again
I won't rise again

I'm not God, I'm not God
I love you but I'm not God...

Mirror lyrics:

I love you but I'm not God...
I'm not God, I'm not God

I won't rise again
I won't rise again
If you're gonna be nailin me down
If you pull me I'll drown
So push me I'll fall

Of the part you couldn't change in me
I hope that reminds you
Where the wood wouldn't stain
In a half painted frame
Smaller than small
I was up on your wall
Sooner than soon
A half broken moon
I only wanted to help you see straight
Where the bird left a stain
I scratched your car

I won't rise again
If you're gonna be nailin me down
If you pull me I'll drown
So push me I'll fall

Of the part you couldn't change in me
I hope that reminds you
The wood wouldn't stain
In a half-painted frame
Smaller than small
I was up on your wall
Sooner than soon
A half broken moon
I only wanted to help it see straight
It was cross eyed, that's all
I broke your doll

Relevant Tags:
CCross EEyed BBear ross yed ear rCoss yEed eBar fross syed vear fCross sEyed vBear Cfross Esyed Bvear xross 3yed gear
xCross 3Eyed gBear Cxross E3yed Bgear vross fyed near vCross fEyed nBear Cvross Efyed Bnear dross ryed hear dCross rEyed hBear
Cdross Eryed Bhear Crross 4yed Beear Coss 4Eyed Bar Corss E4yed Baer Cdoss dyed Bsar dEyed Bsear Crdoss Edyed Besar
C4oss wyed B3ar C4ross wEyed B3ear Cr4oss Ewyed Be3ar Cgoss Eyyed Bfar Cgross Eed Bfear Crgoss Eeyd Befar Ctoss Eged Brar
Ctross Egyed Brear Crtoss Eyged Berar C5oss Ehed B4ar C5ross Ehyed B4ear Cr5oss Eyhed Be4ar Cfoss E6ed Bdar E6yed Bdear
Crfoss Ey6ed Bedar Ceoss Eued Bwar Ceross Euyed Bwear Creoss Eyued Bewar Crooss E7ed Beaar Crss E7yed Ber Crsos Ey7ed Bera
Crkss Ejed Bezr Crkoss Ejyed Bezar

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