Hard Habit To Break

I guess I thought you'd be here forever
Another illusion I chose to create
You don't know what ya got until it's gone
And I found out a little too late

I was acting as if you were lucky to have me
Doin' you a favor I hardly knew you were there
But then you were gone and it was all wrong
Had no idea how much I cared

Now being without you
Takes a lot of getting used to
Should learn to live with it
But I don't want to
Being without you
It's all a big mistake
Instead of getting easier
It's the hardest thing to take
I'm addicted to ya babe
You're a hard habit to break

You found someone else you had every reason
You know I can't blame you for runnin' to him
Two people together but living alone
I was spreading my love too thin

After all of these years
I'm still tryin' to shake it
Doin' much better they say that I just takes time
But deep in the night it's an endless flight
I can't get ya out of my mind


2nd Chorus:
Being without you
Takes a lot of getting used to
Should learn to live with it
I don't want to
Being without
Is all a big mistake
Instead of getting any easier
It's the hardest thing to take
I'm addicted to you
You're a hard habit to break

Mirror lyrics:

You're a hard habit to break
I'm addicted to you
It's the hardest thing to take
Instead of getting any easier
Is all a big mistake
Being without
I don't want to
Should learn to live with it
Takes a lot of getting used to
Being without you
2nd Chorus:


I can't get ya out of my mind
But deep in the night it's an endless flight
Doin' much better they say that I just takes time
I'm still tryin' to shake it
After all of these years

I was spreading my love too thin
Two people together but living alone
You know I can't blame you for runnin' to him
You found someone else you had every reason

You're a hard habit to break
I'm addicted to ya babe
It's the hardest thing to take
Instead of getting easier
It's all a big mistake
Being without you
But I don't want to
Should learn to live with it
Takes a lot of getting used to
Now being without you

Had no idea how much I cared
But then you were gone and it was all wrong
Doin' you a favor I hardly knew you were there
I was acting as if you were lucky to have me

And I found out a little too late
You don't know what ya got until it's gone
Another illusion I chose to create
I guess I thought you'd be here forever

Relevant Tags:
HHard HHabit TTo BBreak ard abit o reak aHrd aHbit oT rBeak jard jabit fo vreak jHard jHabit fTo vBreak Hjard Hjabit Tfo Bvreak
uard uabit 5o greak uHard uHabit 5To gBreak Huard Huabit T5o Bgreak nard nabit ho nreak nHard nHabit hTo nBreak Hnard Hnabit Tho Bnreak
bard babit yo hreak bHard bHabit yTo hBreak Hbard Hbabit Tyo Bhreak gard gabit 6o Brreak gHard gHabit 6To Beak Hgard Hgabit T6o Berak
yard yabit go Bdeak yHard yHabit gTo Bdreak Hyard Hyabit Tgo Brdeak Haard Haabit ro B4eak Hrd Hbit rTo B4reak Hrad Hbait Tro Br4eak
Hzrd Hzbit Too Bgeak Hzard Hzabit T Hazrd Hazbit To Brgeak Hqrd Hqbit Tk Bteak Hqard Hqabit Tko Btreak Haqrd Haqbit Tok Brteak
Hsrd Hsbit T9 B5eak Hsard Hsabit T9o B5reak Hasrd Hasbit To9 Br5eak Hwrd Hwbit T0 Bfeak Hward Hwabit T0o Bfreak Hawrd Hawbit To0 Brfeak
Hxrd Hxbit Tl Beeak Hxard Hxabit Tlo Bereak Haxrd Haxbit Tol Breeak Harrd Habbit Ti Had Hait Tio Brak Hadr Haibt Toi Braek
Hadd Havit Brsak Hadrd Havbit Brseak Hardd Habvit Bresak Ha4d Hagit Br3ak Ha4rd Hagbit Br3eak Har4d Habgit Bre3ak
Hagd Hanit Brfak Hagrd Hanbit Hargd Habnit Brefak

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