Paint The Seconds

About to give rise,
Like the sun never could.
More often not we've been warned
Albeit with

A little taste of regret

Save these strings of color
They threatened it's too magical
That you still need to grow

The sooner we enter,
The sooner we'll blend
He's into another,
Endless abyss

Waste of time
To chase these truths

Tell it to move.
Feel like climbing the walls
Useless messengers haste,
Rushing to the ride

Save these strings of color
They threatened it's too magical
That you still need to grow

The sooner we enter,
The sooner we'll blend.
He's into another,
Endless abyss

The sooner we enter,
The sooner we'll blend.
He's into another,
Endless abyss

The sooner we enter,
The sooner we'll
He's into another,
Endless abyss

The sooner we enter,
The sooner we'll
He's into another,
Endless abyss

The sooner we enter,
The sooner we'll blend.
Leads into another,
Endless amends

Mirror lyrics:

Endless amends
Leads into another,
The sooner we'll blend.
The sooner we enter,

Endless abyss
He's into another,
The sooner we'll
The sooner we enter,

Endless abyss
He's into another,
The sooner we'll
The sooner we enter,

Endless abyss
He's into another,
The sooner we'll blend.
The sooner we enter,

Endless abyss
He's into another,
The sooner we'll blend.
The sooner we enter,

That you still need to grow
They threatened it's too magical
Save these strings of color

Rushing to the ride
Useless messengers haste,
Feel like climbing the walls
Tell it to move.

To chase these truths
Waste of time

Endless abyss
He's into another,
The sooner we'll blend
The sooner we enter,

That you still need to grow
They threatened it's too magical
Save these strings of color

A little taste of regret

Albeit with
More often not we've been warned
Like the sun never could.
About to give rise,

Relevant Tags:
PPaint TThe SSeconds aint he econds aPint hTe eSconds 0aint fhe zeconds 0Paint fThe zSeconds P0aint Tfhe Szeconds
laint 5he weconds lPaint 5The wSeconds Plaint T5he Sweconds oaint hhe deconds oPaint hThe dSeconds Poaint Thhe Sdeconds
Paaint yhe eeconds Pint yThe eSeconds Piant Tyhe Seeconds Pzint 6he xeconds Pzaint 6The xSeconds Pazint T6he Sxeconds
Pqint ghe aeconds Pqaint gThe aSeconds Paqint Tghe Saeconds Psint rhe Psaint rThe Sconds Pasint Trhe Sceonds
Pwint Ssconds Pwaint Te Sseconds Pawint Teh Sesconds Pxint Tje S3conds Pxaint Tjhe S3econds Paxint Thje Se3conds
Paiint Tue Sfconds Pant Tuhe Sfeconds Panit Thue Sefconds Pajnt Tne Srconds Pajint Tnhe Sreconds Paijnt Thne Serconds
Pa9nt Tbe S4conds Pa9int Tbhe S4econds Pai9nt Thbe Se4conds Palnt Tge Sdconds Palint Pailnt Thge Sedconds
Paont Tye Swconds Paoint Paiont Thye Sewconds Paknt Thee Secconds Pakint Th Seonds Paiknt The Seocnds
Pa8nt Ths Sefonds Pa8int Thse Pai8nt Thes Secfonds Paunt Th3 Sexonds Pauint Th3e Sexconds Paiunt The3 Secxonds
Painnt Thf Sevonds Pait Thfe Sevconds Paitn Thef Secvonds Paimt Thr Sedonds Paimnt Thre Painmt Ther Secdonds
Paiht Th4 Secoonds Paihnt Th4e Secnds Painht The4 Secnods

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