Chet Atkins
Poor Boy Blues

Do I want you? Yes I do
Do I need you? Baby you know it's true
But I ain't got nothin' that you can use
So I'm sittin' on my own here, with these poor boy blues
One day, baby, you will see
You're gonna give all your love to me
I'm the one, babe, that you're gonna choose
But in the meantime, I got these poor boy blues
Pick it son, pick it nice
Things won't always be the same
Someday soon, everything will change
You'll tell your mama her baby's got good news
But until then, well, I got these poor boy blues
But until then, well, I got these poor boy blues

Mirror lyrics:

But until then, well, I got these poor boy blues
But until then, well, I got these poor boy blues
You'll tell your mama her baby's got good news
Someday soon, everything will change
Things won't always be the same
Pick it son, pick it nice
But in the meantime, I got these poor boy blues
I'm the one, babe, that you're gonna choose
You're gonna give all your love to me
One day, baby, you will see
So I'm sittin' on my own here, with these poor boy blues
But I ain't got nothin' that you can use
Do I need you? Baby you know it's true
Do I want you? Yes I do

Relevant Tags:
PPoor BBoy BBlues oor oy lues oPor oBy lBues 0oor voy vlues 0Poor vBoy vBlues P0oor Bvoy Bvlues loor goy glues lPoor gBoy gBlues
Ploor Bgoy Bglues ooor noy nlues oPoor nBoy nBlues Pooor Bnoy Bnlues hoy hlues Por hBoy hBlues Poor Bhoy Bhlues Pkor Booy Bllues
Pkoor By Bues Pokor Byo Bules P9or Bky Bkues P9oor Bkoy Bklues Po9or Boky Blkues P0or B9y Boues B9oy Bolues Po0or Bo9y Bloues
Plor B0y Bpues B0oy Bplues Polor Bo0y Blpues Pior Bly Bluues Pioor Bloy Bles Poior Boly Bleus Biy Blhes Bioy Blhues
Poro Boiy Bluhes Pokr Boyy Bl7es Bo Bl7ues Pookr Boy Blu7es Po9r Bog Blkes Bogy Poo9r Boyg Blukes Po0r Boh Blies
Bohy Bliues Poo0r Boyh Bluies Polr Bo6 Bl8es Bo6y Bl8ues Poolr Boy6 Blu8es Poir Bou Bljes

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