Dante Thomas
Should Have Loved Her Then

She walked into the room
all dressed in blue
what am I to do
he vowed to take her hand
raise a family and promise to be true
but she used to whisper to me by the river
alone when the nights were so cold
and he doesn't know that
she still belongs to me
so I cry from the ache in my heart
cause I should have loved her then
I should have loved her then.

she gazed into his eyes
vision paralyze
ohh if I could die
they danced until the dawn
on our favorite song
I felt so alone
cause she used to whisper to me by the river
alone when the nights were so cold
and he doesn't know that
she still belongs to me
so I cry from the ache in my heart
cause I should have loved her then
I should have loved her then.

God if there's a way
I could turn the road
tell her all the things I should have told
I'd be there
I'd be a man I swear
I swear!
I should have loved her then
I should have loved her.....then

Mirror lyrics:

I should have loved her.....then
I should have loved her then
I swear!
I'd be a man I swear
I'd be there
tell her all the things I should have told
I could turn the road
God if there's a way

I should have loved her then.
cause I should have loved her then
so I cry from the ache in my heart
she still belongs to me
and he doesn't know that
alone when the nights were so cold
cause she used to whisper to me by the river
I felt so alone
on our favorite song
they danced until the dawn
ohh if I could die
vision paralyze
she gazed into his eyes

I should have loved her then.
cause I should have loved her then
so I cry from the ache in my heart
she still belongs to me
and he doesn't know that
alone when the nights were so cold
but she used to whisper to me by the river
raise a family and promise to be true
he vowed to take her hand
what am I to do
all dressed in blue
She walked into the room

Relevant Tags:
SShould HHave LLoved HHer TThen hould ave oved er hen hSould aHve oLved eHr hTen zhould jave koved jer fhen zShould jHave kLoved jHer fThen
Szhould Hjave Lkoved Hjer Tfhen whould uave ooved uer 5hen wShould uHave oLoved uHer 5Then Swhould Huave Looved Huer T5hen dhould nave poved ner hhen
dShould nHave pLoved nHer hThen Sdhould Hnave Lpoved Hner Thhen ehould bave ber yhen eShould bHave Lved bHer yThen Sehould Hbave Lvoed Hber Tyhen
xhould gave Lkved ger 6hen xShould gHave gHer 6Then Sxhould Hgave Lokved Hger T6hen ahould yave L9ved yer ghen aShould yHave L9oved yHer gThen
Sahould Hyave Lo9ved Hyer Tghen Shhould Haave L0ved Heer rhen Sould Hve L0oved Hr rThen Sohuld Hvae Lo0ved Hre Trhen Sjould Hzve Llved Hsr
Sjhould Hzave Lloved Hser Ten Shjould Hazve Lolved Hesr Tehn Suould Hqve Lived H3r Tjen Suhould Hqave Lioved H3er Tjhen Shuould Haqve Loived He3r Thjen
Snould Hsve Lovved Hfr Tuen Snhould Hsave Loed Hfer Tuhen Shnould Hasve Loevd Hefr Thuen Sbould Hwve Lobed Hrr Tnen Sbhould Hwave Lobved Hrer Tnhen
Shbould Hawve Lovbed Herr Thnen Sgould Hxve Loced H4r Tben Sghould Hxave Locved H4er Tbhen Shgould Haxve Lovced He4r Thben Syould Havve Loged Hdr Tgen
Syhould Hae Logved Hder Shyould Haev Lovged Hedr Thgen Shoould Habe Lofed Hwr Tyen Shuld Habve Lofved Hwer Shuold Havbe Lovfed Hewr Thyen
Shkuld Hace Loveed Theen Shkould Hacve Lovd He Thn Shokuld Havce Lovde Her Thne Sh9uld Hage Lovsd Hed Thsn Sh9ould Hagve Lovsed Thsen
Sho9uld Havge Lovesd Herd Thesn Sh0uld Hafe Lov3d He4 Th3n Sh0ould Hafve Lov3ed Th3en Sho0uld Havfe Love3d Her4 The3n Shluld Havee Lovfd Heg Thfn
Shlould Hav Hegr Thfen Sholuld Have Lovefd Herg Thefn

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