Danny Michel

With my knees up on the dashboard,
I watch the stars like grains of sand.
And underneath my sleeping bag,
the nightclub stamp still glows on my hand.
Through the rearview mirror, things become much clearer
than they've ever been.
And if this is a mistake, remind me to make
more of them.

Somedays my bad days, gang up on good days.
Somedays the world weighs too much for me to want to stay.

And I feel like a satellite
I feel like a satellite
I feel like a satellite
I feel like a satellite

And just when things were looking right and feeling good,
it all came crashing down.
Educated guess was my uneducated best
I confound. (that's not right)
Problems after problems piled high on problems
probably tried to touch the sun.
You're anything I can imagine,
right beneath my notice life had just begun.

Now my bad days end up on good days.
Now the grade's made in my own little ways.

And I feel like a satellite
I feel like a satellite
I feel like a satellite
I feel like a satellite

Mirror lyrics:

I feel like a satellite
I feel like a satellite
I feel like a satellite
And I feel like a satellite

Now the grade's made in my own little ways.
Now my bad days end up on good days.

right beneath my notice life had just begun.
You're anything I can imagine,
probably tried to touch the sun.
Problems after problems piled high on problems
I confound. (that's not right)
Educated guess was my uneducated best
it all came crashing down.
And just when things were looking right and feeling good,

I feel like a satellite
I feel like a satellite
I feel like a satellite
And I feel like a satellite

Somedays the world weighs too much for me to want to stay.
Somedays my bad days, gang up on good days.

more of them.
And if this is a mistake, remind me to make
than they've ever been.
Through the rearview mirror, things become much clearer
the nightclub stamp still glows on my hand.
And underneath my sleeping bag,
I watch the stars like grains of sand.
With my knees up on the dashboard,

Relevant Tags:
SSatellite atellite aStellite zatellite zSatellite Szatellite watellite wSatellite Swatellite datellite dSatellite
Sdatellite eatellite eSatellite Seatellite xatellite xSatellite Sxatellite aatellite aSatellite Saatellite Stellite
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Sat3ellite Sate3llite Satfllite Satefllite Satrllite Saterllite Sat4llite Sat4ellite Sate4llite Satdllite Satdellite

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