
Sink my finger in your hair,
the sweat and the smell of our liquid affair,
in a gasoline burn our bodies will churn with a flick
of the switch you'replugged in to the itch. battery got a charge with my finger triggeringyour
sparkplug, I felt that speedy booss when you bent down
and licked myboots heady and headed in the direction
of soma crash-car intersection it'scalled "why don't
we do it on the road" or at least that's what I am told

Mirror lyrics:

we do it on the road" or at least that's what I am told
of soma crash-car intersection it'scalled "why don't
and licked myboots heady and headed in the direction
sparkplug, I felt that speedy booss when you bent down battery got a charge with my finger triggeringyour
of the switch you'replugged in to the itch.
in a gasoline burn our bodies will churn with a flick
the sweat and the smell of our liquid affair,
Sink my finger in your hair,

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