Chely Wright
One Night In Las Vegas

(Brad Paisley - Chely Wright)

Flight 709 pulled up to the gate
An hour and forty-five minutes late
And of course our connection was already in the air
Spent a day of our vacation in Chicago O'Hare.

And like musical chairs at the baggage belt
We were the last ones standin' there when nothin' came out
Looking back now on our string of bad luck
That just wasn't our day but you know what.

That one night in Las Vegas
Lyin' there with you
Was well worth everything that
You and I went through.

And so it goes, our life's been that way
Puttin' out fires, takin' it day by day
And look at this year, it's been our hardest one yet
Just when we thought it had gotten bad as it could get.

You got transferred to Denver, I stayed behind
Put the house on the market 'bout went outta my mind
And your dad got sick, I've never seen you so scared
We almost didn't make it through the year.

But that weekend in the mountains in a cabin all by ourselves
Makin' that one memory made up for everything else
Ooh, me and my insecurities, you and your stubborn pride
If we've learned anything it's there's no winner when we fight.

So this mornin' in our kitchen after talkin' all night long
We finally stopped tryin' to figure out who's right and who is wrong
And when you hold me like you're holdin' me and I kiss your tired face
We know we took the long way here but wound up in a better place.

Baby one night in Las Vegas or one weekend in the mountains
Any moment we're together makes up for everything else...

Mirror lyrics:

Any moment we're together makes up for everything else...
Baby one night in Las Vegas or one weekend in the mountains

We know we took the long way here but wound up in a better place.
And when you hold me like you're holdin' me and I kiss your tired face
We finally stopped tryin' to figure out who's right and who is wrong
So this mornin' in our kitchen after talkin' all night long

If we've learned anything it's there's no winner when we fight.
Ooh, me and my insecurities, you and your stubborn pride
Makin' that one memory made up for everything else
But that weekend in the mountains in a cabin all by ourselves

We almost didn't make it through the year.
And your dad got sick, I've never seen you so scared
Put the house on the market 'bout went outta my mind
You got transferred to Denver, I stayed behind

Just when we thought it had gotten bad as it could get.
And look at this year, it's been our hardest one yet
Puttin' out fires, takin' it day by day
And so it goes, our life's been that way

You and I went through.
Was well worth everything that
Lyin' there with you
That one night in Las Vegas

That just wasn't our day but you know what.
Looking back now on our string of bad luck
We were the last ones standin' there when nothin' came out
And like musical chairs at the baggage belt

Spent a day of our vacation in Chicago O'Hare.
And of course our connection was already in the air
An hour and forty-five minutes late
Flight 709 pulled up to the gate

(Brad Paisley - Chely Wright)

Relevant Tags:
OOne NNight IIn LLas VVegas ne ight n as egas nOe iNght nI aLs eVgas kne might jn kas begas kOne mNight jIn kLas bVegas Okne Nmight Ijn Lkas Vbegas
9ne hight 9n oas cegas 9One hNight 9In oLas cVegas O9ne Nhight I9n Loas Vcegas 0ne jight ln pas gegas 0One jNight lIn pLas gVegas O0ne Njight Iln Lpas Vgegas
lne bight on Laas fegas lOne bNight oIn Ls fVegas Olne Nbight Ion Lsa Vfegas ine Niight kn Lzs Veegas iOne Nght kIn Lzas Vgas Oine Ngiht Ikn Lazs Vgeas
Onne Njght 8n Lqs Vsgas Oe 8In Lqas Vsegas Oen Nijght I8n Laqs Vesgas Ome N9ght un Lss V3gas Omne N9ight uIn Lsas V3egas Onme Ni9ght Iun Lass Ve3gas
Ohe Nlght Inn Lws Vfgas Ohne Nlight I Lwas Onhe Nilght In Laws Vefgas Oje Noght Im Lxs Vrgas Ojne Noight Imn Lxas Vregas Onje Nioght Inm Laxs Vergas
Obe Nkght Ih V4gas Obne Nkight Ihn La V4egas Onbe Nikght Inh Las Ve4gas Onee N8ght Ij Laz Vdgas On N8ight Vdegas One Ni8ght Inj Lasz Vedgas
Ons Nught Ib Law Vwgas Onse Nuight Ibn Vwegas Ones Niught Inb Lasw Vewgas On3 Nigght Lad Veggas On3e Niht Lads Veas One3 Nihgt Lasd Veags
Onf Nihht Lae Vehas Onfe Nihght Laes Vehgas Onef Nighht Lase Veghas Onr Niyht Lax Veyas Onre Niyght Veygas Oner Nigyht Lasx Vegyas
On4 Nibht Laa Vebas

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