Chely Wright
It's Not Too Late

(Bill Rice/Sharon Rice/Tracy Byrd)

The clock is ticking loud as thunder
In this silent room
The morning comes and I wait to see
If it dawns on you
That I can't make what little love you give me
Be enough
And I'm just a tick away from giving up.

But it's not too late for you
To turn this thing around
And say the words to keep me here
But do it now
'Cause love is slipping through our hands
One moment at a time
But it's not too late
For you to change my mind.

The rings we're wearing on our hands
Are made of the purest gold
But what we're doing to each other
Is getting old
And now, the pedestal I've put you on
Is crumbling, too
But it's in your power to make it good as new.

But it's not too late for you
To turn this thing around
And say the words to keep me here
But do it now
'Cause love is slipping through our hands
One moment at a time
But it's not too late
For you to change my mind.

The clock is ticking loud as thunder
In this silent room
But it's not too late
For you to change.

But it's not too late for you
To turn this thing around
And say the words to keep me here
But do it now
'Cause love is slipping through our hands
One moment at a time
But it's not too late
For you to change my mind

It's not too late for you to change my mind.
It's not too late for you to change my mind...

Mirror lyrics:

It's not too late for you to change my mind...
It's not too late for you to change my mind.

For you to change my mind
But it's not too late
One moment at a time
'Cause love is slipping through our hands
But do it now
And say the words to keep me here
To turn this thing around
But it's not too late for you

For you to change.
But it's not too late
In this silent room
The clock is ticking loud as thunder

For you to change my mind.
But it's not too late
One moment at a time
'Cause love is slipping through our hands
But do it now
And say the words to keep me here
To turn this thing around
But it's not too late for you

But it's in your power to make it good as new.
Is crumbling, too
And now, the pedestal I've put you on
Is getting old
But what we're doing to each other
Are made of the purest gold
The rings we're wearing on our hands

For you to change my mind.
But it's not too late
One moment at a time
'Cause love is slipping through our hands
But do it now
And say the words to keep me here
To turn this thing around
But it's not too late for you

And I'm just a tick away from giving up.
Be enough
That I can't make what little love you give me
If it dawns on you
The morning comes and I wait to see
In this silent room
The clock is ticking loud as thunder

(Bill Rice/Sharon Rice/Tracy Byrd)

Relevant Tags:
IIt's NNot TToo LLate t's ot oo ate tI's oNt oTo aLte jt's mot foo kate jIt's mNot fToo kLate Ijt's Nmot Tfoo Lkate
9t's hot 5oo oate 9It's hNot 5Too oLate I9t's Nhot T5oo Loate lt's jot hoo pate lIt's jNot hToo pLate Ilt's Njot Thoo Lpate
ot's bot yoo Laate oIt's bNot yToo Lte Iot's Nbot Tyoo Ltae kt's Noot 6oo Lzte kIt's Nt 6Too Lzate Ikt's Nto T6oo Lazte
8t's Nkt goo Lqte 8It's Nkot gToo Lqate I8t's Nokt Tgoo Laqte ut's N9t roo Lste uIt's N9ot rToo Lsate Iut's No9t Troo Laste
Itt's N0t Tooo Lwte I's N0ot To Lwate I'ts No0t Too Lawte If's Nlt Tko Lxte Ift's Nlot Tkoo Lxate Itf's Nolt Toko Laxte
I5's Nit T9o Latte I5t's Niot T9oo Lae It5's Noit To9o Laet Ih's Nott T0o Lafe Iht's No T0oo Lafte Ith's Not To0o Latfe
Iy's Nof Tlo La5e Iyt's Noft Tloo La5te

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