Un Corazã³n (one Heart)

Uh, yeah
Come on
Estes parriba mi, joe
Here we go

What's the deal
With this world today?
Whats with all the war
And all of the hate?
Don't even wanna turn on the TV
Cuz all I see are
Stories of negativity
But if I walk out in my neighborhood
I know my people be tryin to do good
And it's the same all over the world
So crank up your stereo
Y cantalo conmigo

Hey! Lets do it right
Hands in the air
Wave em side to side
Get up, stand up
We don't have to fight
Rumba macumba melao tonight

Hey! Una nacion
El sentimiento se hace cancion
Mano a mano en un mismo amor
Hoy somos un solo

Blow them horns
Lemme hear them even more
Levanta la mano for peace
Harmony and love
From PR to Japan and back again
Let me hear you all at once
Let me hear you scream (Oh!)
All we have is one heart and one love
Lets come together people all around the world
En la union esta la fuerza escuchalo
So crank it up more
Somos un solo

Hey! Lets do it right
Hands in the air
Wave em side to side
Get up, stand up
We don't have to fight
Rumba macumba melao tonight

Hey! Una nacion
El sentimiento se hace cancion
Mano a mano en un mismo amor
Hoy somos un solo

Santa Maria
Libranos de todo mal
Y amparanos Senora
De este gran rumbon mundial

Santa Maria
Libranos de todo mal
Y amparanos Senora
De este gran rumbon mundial

Hoy la unión se convierte en canción
No Importa la raza o la religión
Y que tenemos en común un corazón
Soy portavoz de la paz
Mensajero de la nación

Hey! Lets do it right
Hands in the air
Wave em side to side
Get up, stand up
We don't have to fight
Rumba macumba melao tonight

Hey! Una nacion
El sentimiento se hace cancion
Mano a mano
En un mismo amor
Hoy somos un solo

Hey! Lets do it right
Hands in the air
Wave em side to side
Get up, stand up
We don't have to fight
Rumba macumba melao tonight

Hey! Una nacion
El sentimiento se hace cancion
Mano a mano
En un mismo amor
Hoy somos un solo

Mirror lyrics:

Hoy somos un solo
En un mismo amor
Mano a mano
El sentimiento se hace cancion
Hey! Una nacion

Rumba macumba melao tonight
We don't have to fight
Get up, stand up
Wave em side to side
Hands in the air
Hey! Lets do it right

Hoy somos un solo
En un mismo amor
Mano a mano
El sentimiento se hace cancion
Hey! Una nacion

Rumba macumba melao tonight
We don't have to fight
Get up, stand up
Wave em side to side
Hands in the air
Hey! Lets do it right

Mensajero de la nación
Soy portavoz de la paz
Y que tenemos en común un corazón
No Importa la raza o la religión
Hoy la unión se convierte en canción

De este gran rumbon mundial
Y amparanos Senora
Libranos de todo mal
Santa Maria

De este gran rumbon mundial
Y amparanos Senora
Libranos de todo mal
Santa Maria

Hoy somos un solo
Mano a mano en un mismo amor
El sentimiento se hace cancion
Hey! Una nacion

Rumba macumba melao tonight
We don't have to fight
Get up, stand up
Wave em side to side
Hands in the air
Hey! Lets do it right

Somos un solo
So crank it up more
En la union esta la fuerza escuchalo
Lets come together people all around the world
All we have is one heart and one love
Let me hear you scream (Oh!)
Let me hear you all at once
From PR to Japan and back again
Harmony and love
Levanta la mano for peace
Lemme hear them even more
Blow them horns

Hoy somos un solo
Mano a mano en un mismo amor
El sentimiento se hace cancion
Hey! Una nacion

Rumba macumba melao tonight
We don't have to fight
Get up, stand up
Wave em side to side
Hands in the air
Hey! Lets do it right

Y cantalo conmigo
So crank up your stereo
And it's the same all over the world
I know my people be tryin to do good
But if I walk out in my neighborhood
Stories of negativity
Cuz all I see are
Don't even wanna turn on the TV
And all of the hate?
Whats with all the war
With this world today?
What's the deal

Here we go
Estes parriba mi, joe
Come on
Uh, yeah

Relevant Tags:
UUn CCorazã³n ((one HHeart) n orazã³n one eart) nU oCrazã³n o(ne eHart) hn forazã³n (oone jeart) hUn fCorazã³n (ne jHeart) Uhn Cforazã³n (noe Hjeart)
7n xorazã³n (kne ueart) 7Un xCorazã³n (kone uHeart) U7n Cxorazã³n (okne Hueart) kn vorazã³n (9ne neart) kUn vCorazã³n (9one nHeart) Ukn Cvorazã³n (o9ne Hneart)
in dorazã³n (0ne beart) iUn dCorazã³n (0one bHeart) Uin Cdorazã³n (o0ne Hbeart) 8n Coorazã³n (lne geart) 8Un Crazã³n (lone gHeart) U8n Croazã³n (olne Hgeart)
jn Ckrazã³n (ine yeart) jUn Ckorazã³n (ione yHeart) Ujn Cokrazã³n (oine Hyeart) yn C9razã³n (onne Heeart) yUn C9orazã³n (oe Hart) Uyn Co9razã³n (oen Haert)
Unn C0razã³n (ome Hsart) U C0orazã³n (omne Hseart) Un Co0razã³n (onme Hesart) Um Clrazã³n (ohe H3art) Umn Clorazã³n (ohne H3eart) Unm Colrazã³n (onhe He3art)
Uh Cirazã³n (oje Hfart) Ciorazã³n (ojne Hfeart) Unh Coirazã³n (onje Hefart) Uj Corrazã³n (obe Hrart) Coazã³n (obne Hreart) Unj Coarzã³n (onbe Herart)
Ub Codazã³n (onee H4art) Ubn Codrazã³n (on H4eart) Unb Cordazã³n (one He4art) Co4azã³n (ons Hdart) Co4razã³n (onse Hdeart) Cor4azã³n (ones Hedart)
Cogazã³n (on3 Hwart) Cograzã³n (on3e Hweart) Corgazã³n (one3 Hewart) Cotazã³n (onf Heaart) Cotrazã³n (onfe Hert) Cortazã³n (onef Herat)
Co5azã³n (onr Hezrt) Co5razã³n (onre Hezart) Cor5azã³n (oner Heazrt) Cofazã³n (on4 Heqrt) Cofrazã³n (on4e Heqart) Corfazã³n (one4 Heaqrt)

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