Chelsea Grin
Sonnet Of The Wretched

This is the sonnet of the wretched
Can you hear their screams?
Your prayers won't be heard
They will rise
When daylight dies they come and bring an abrupt end to your sinful life
There's nothing you can do to stop them now, it's too late
Just run and hide and hope they will never find you
until it's over and they're gone
You think this is hell? You don't know the half of it,
and this is just the beginning of the end for you
There's nothing sacred here, Everything you once loved has been defiled
There's only pain, and sorrow
They bring the end
And there's nothing that can save you from this cruel fate
But it's your fault, it is you that brought them
They felt the presence of your blackened heart
And smelt the stench of your abject existence
They've come to cleanse your soul of its affliction
You can't repent because it's far too late
Just wait until they have you in their grasp
Now you will feel what it's like to be in hell
And your only company will be the horde
This is now the end your soul is cleansed,
your mouth is stitched your eyes are blind
And your blackened heart ceases to beat anymore,
Now they have gone. Disappeared without a trace.
This is the sonnet of the wretched
Did you hear their screams?
Your prayers were not heard
They have cleansed all sin and evil
Lay to rest

Mirror lyrics:

Lay to rest
They have cleansed all sin and evil
Your prayers were not heard
Did you hear their screams?
This is the sonnet of the wretched
Now they have gone. Disappeared without a trace.
And your blackened heart ceases to beat anymore,
your mouth is stitched your eyes are blind
This is now the end your soul is cleansed,
And your only company will be the horde
Now you will feel what it's like to be in hell
Just wait until they have you in their grasp
You can't repent because it's far too late
They've come to cleanse your soul of its affliction
And smelt the stench of your abject existence
They felt the presence of your blackened heart
But it's your fault, it is you that brought them
And there's nothing that can save you from this cruel fate
They bring the end
There's only pain, and sorrow
There's nothing sacred here, Everything you once loved has been defiled
and this is just the beginning of the end for you
You think this is hell? You don't know the half of it,
until it's over and they're gone
Just run and hide and hope they will never find you
There's nothing you can do to stop them now, it's too late
When daylight dies they come and bring an abrupt end to your sinful life
They will rise
Your prayers won't be heard
Can you hear their screams?
This is the sonnet of the wretched

Relevant Tags:
SSonnet OOf TThe WWretched onnet f he retched oSnnet fO hTe rWetched zonnet kf fhe aretched zSonnet kOf fThe aWretched Szonnet Okf Tfhe Waretched
wonnet 9f 5he 3retched wSonnet 9Of 5The 3Wretched Swonnet O9f T5he W3retched donnet 0f hhe dretched dSonnet 0Of hThe dWretched Sdonnet O0f Thhe Wdretched
eonnet lf yhe eretched eSonnet lOf yThe eWretched Seonnet Olf Tyhe Weretched xonnet if 6he sretched xSonnet iOf 6The sWretched Sxonnet Oif T6he Wsretched
aonnet Off ghe 2retched aSonnet O gThe 2Wretched Saonnet Of Tghe W2retched Soonnet Oc rhe qretched Snnet Ocf rThe qWretched Snonet Ofc Trhe Wqretched
Sknnet Or Wrretched Skonnet Orf Te Wetched Soknnet Ofr Teh Wertched S9nnet Og Tje Wdetched S9onnet Ogf Tjhe So9nnet Ofg Thje Wrdetched
S0nnet Ot Tue W4etched S0onnet Otf Tuhe W4retched So0nnet Oft Thue Wr4etched Slnnet Ov Tne Wgetched Slonnet Ovf Tnhe Wgretched Solnnet Ofv Thne Wrgetched
Sinnet Od Tbe Wtetched Sionnet Odf Tbhe Wtretched Soinnet Ofd Thbe Wrtetched Sonnnet Tge W5etched Sonet W5retched Sonnet Thge Wr5etched
Somnet Tye Wfetched Somnnet Wfretched Sonmnet Thye Wrfetched Sohnet Thee Weetched Sohnnet Th Sonhnet The Wreetched
Sojnet Ths Sojnnet Thse Wrtched Sonjnet Thes Wrteched Sobnet Th3 Wrstched Sobnnet Th3e Wrsetched Sonbnet The3 Wrestched
Thf Wr3tched Thfe Wr3etched Sonent Thef Wre3tched Sonmet Thr Wrftched Thre Sonnmet Ther Wreftched
Sonhet Th4 Wrrtched Th4e Sonnhet The4 Wrertched Sonjet Thd Wr4tched Thde Sonnjet Thed Wre4tched
Sonbet Thw Wrdtched Thwe Sonnbet Thew Wredtched Sonneet Wrwtched Sonnt Wrwetched Sonnte Wrewtched
Sonnst Wrettched Sonnset Wreched Sonnest Wrecthed Sonn3t Wrefched Sonn3et Sonne3t Wretfched
Sonnft Wre5ched Sonnfet Wre5tched Sonneft Wret5ched

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