It Might As Well Stay Monday (from Now On)

Here it is again Monday morning
And I really got the blues
But it don't much matter
I got no need to smile
And I don't think I will for quit awhile

So it might as well stay Monday from now on
Cause it seems that the only one I ever love is gone
And it just might as well stay Monday from now on

Go away mister sun I can't use you
Brighten someone else's life
Let the darkest hide me and carry off my pain
For there's nothing you can do, nothing you can do,
Nothing you can do to make things change


Let the darkest hide me and carry off my pain
For there's nothing you can do, nothing you can do,
Nothing you can do to make things change
And it might as well stay Monday from now on
Might as well stay Monday from now on

Mirror lyrics:

Might as well stay Monday from now on
And it might as well stay Monday from now on
Nothing you can do to make things change
For there's nothing you can do, nothing you can do,
Let the darkest hide me and carry off my pain


Nothing you can do to make things change
For there's nothing you can do, nothing you can do,
Let the darkest hide me and carry off my pain
Brighten someone else's life
Go away mister sun I can't use you

And it just might as well stay Monday from now on
Cause it seems that the only one I ever love is gone
So it might as well stay Monday from now on

And I don't think I will for quit awhile
I got no need to smile
But it don't much matter
And I really got the blues
Here it is again Monday morning

Relevant Tags:
IIt MMight AAs WWell SStay MMonday ((from NNow OOn) t ight s ell tay onday from ow n) tI iMght sA eWll tSay oMnday f(rom oNw nO)
jt jight zs aell ztay jonday (ffrom mow kn) jIt jMight zAs aWell zStay jMonday (rom mNow kOn) Ijt Mjight Azs Waell Sztay Mjonday (rfom Nmow Okn)
9t kight qs 3ell wtay konday (crom how 9n) 9It kMight qAs 3Well wStay kMonday (cfrom hNow 9On) I9t Mkight Aqs W3ell Swtay Mkonday (fcrom Nhow O9n)
lt night ss dell dtay nonday (rrom jow 0n) lIt nMight sAs dWell dStay nMonday (rfrom jNow 0On) Ilt Mnight Ass Wdell Sdtay Mnonday (frrom Njow O0n)
ot Miight ws eell etay Moonday (grom bow ln) oIt Mght wAs eWell eStay Mnday (gfrom bNow lOn) Iot Mgiht Aws Weell Setay Mnoday (fgrom Nbow Oln)
kt Mjght xs sell xtay Mknday (trom Noow in) kIt xAs sWell xStay (tfrom Nw iOn) Ikt Mijght Axs Wsell Sxtay Moknday (ftrom Nwo Oin)
8t M9ght 2ell atay M9nday (vrom Nkw Onn) 8It M9ight A 2Well aStay M9onday (vfrom Nkow O) I8t Mi9ght As W2ell Satay Mo9nday (fvrom Nokw O)n
ut Mlght Az qell Sttay M0nday (drom N9w Om) uIt Mlight qWell Say M0onday (dfrom N9ow Omn) Iut Milght Asz Wqell Saty Mo0nday (fdrom No9w Onm)
Itt Moght Aw Sfay Mlnday N0w Oh) I Moight Wll Sftay Mlonday (fom N0ow Ohn) It Mioght Asw Wlel Stfay Molnday (form No0w Onh)
If Mkght Ad Wsll S5ay Minday (fdom Nlw Oj) Ift Ads S5tay Mionday Nlow Ojn) Itf Mikght Asd Wesll St5ay Moinday (frdom Nolw Onj)
I5 M8ght Ae W3ll Shay Monnday (f4om Niw Ob) I5t M8ight Aes Shtay Moday (f4rom Niow Obn) It5 Mi8ght Ase We3ll Sthay Modnay (fr4om Noiw Onb)
Ih Mught Ax Wfll Syay Momday (fgom Noww On)) Iht Muight Wfell Sytay Momnday No On Ith Miught Asx Wefll Styay Monmday (frgom Now On)
Iy Migght Aa Wrll S6ay Mohday (ftom Noa Iyt Miht Aas Wrell S6tay Mohnday Noaw Ity Mihgt Asa Werll St6ay Monhday (frtom Nowa
I6 Mihht W4ll Sgay Mojday (f5om No3 I6t Mihght W4ell Sgtay Mojnday (f5rom No3w It6 Mighht We4ll Stgay Monjday (fr5om Now3
Ig Miyht Wdll Sray Mobday (ffom Nod Igt Miyght Srtay Mobnday Nodw Itg Migyht Wedll Stray Monbday (frfom Nowd
Ir Mibht Wwll Staay Mondday (feom Noe Irt Mibght Wwell Sty Monay (ferom Noew Itr Migbht Wewll Stya Monady (freom Nowe
Mivht Welll Stzy Monxay (froom Nos Mivght Wel Stzay Monxday (frm Nosw Migvht Well Stazy Mondxay (frmo Nows
Mifht Wekl Stqy Moneay (frkm No2 Mifght Wekll Stqay Moneday (frkom No2w

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