Cher Lloyd
It's A Hard Knock Life

Don't if feel like the wind is always howling?
Don't it seem like there's never any light!
Once a day, don't you wanna throw the towel in?
It's easier than putting up a fight.

It's the hard knock life for us
It's the hard knock life for us
Instead of treated, we get tricked
Instead of kisses, we get kicked
It's the hard knock life
It's the hard knock life for us
It's the hard knock life for us
Instead of treated, we get tricked
Instead of kisses, we get kicked
It's the hard knock life

We live in hard knocks, we don't take over we borrow blocks
I see you vision mama, I put my money on the longshots
Now Imma be on top whether I perform or not
I went from lukewarm to hot; sleepin on futons and cots

No one's there when your dreams at night get creepy
No one cares if you grow or if you shrink
No one dries when your eyes get wet and weepy
From all the crying you would think this place's a sink,

It's the hard knock life for us
It's the hard knock life for us
Instead of treated, we get tricked
Instead of kisses, we get kicked
It's the hard knock life
It's the hard knock life for us
It's the hard knock life for us

Mirror lyrics:

It's the hard knock life for us
It's the hard knock life for us
It's the hard knock life
Instead of kisses, we get kicked
Instead of treated, we get tricked
It's the hard knock life for us
It's the hard knock life for us

From all the crying you would think this place's a sink,
No one dries when your eyes get wet and weepy
No one cares if you grow or if you shrink
No one's there when your dreams at night get creepy

I went from lukewarm to hot; sleepin on futons and cots
Now Imma be on top whether I perform or not
I see you vision mama, I put my money on the longshots
We live in hard knocks, we don't take over we borrow blocks

It's the hard knock life
Instead of kisses, we get kicked
Instead of treated, we get tricked
It's the hard knock life for us
It's the hard knock life for us
It's the hard knock life
Instead of kisses, we get kicked
Instead of treated, we get tricked
It's the hard knock life for us
It's the hard knock life for us

It's easier than putting up a fight.
Once a day, don't you wanna throw the towel in?
Don't it seem like there's never any light!
Don't if feel like the wind is always howling?

Relevant Tags:
IIt's AA HHard KKnock LLife t's ard nock ife tI's A aHrd nKock iLfe jt's z jard lnock kife jIt's zA jHard lKnock kLife Ijt's Az Hjard Klnock Lkife
9t's q uard onock oife 9It's qA uHard oKnock oLife I9t's Aq Huard Konock Loife lt's s nard mnock pife lIt's sA nHard mKnock pLife Ilt's As Hnard Kmnock Lpife
ot's w bard jnock Liife oIt's wA bHard jKnock Lfe Iot's Aw Hbard Kjnock Lfie kt's x gard inock Ljfe kIt's xA gHard iKnock Ljife Ikt's Ax Hgard Kinock Lijfe
8t's yard Knnock L9fe 8It's yHard Kock L9ife I8t's Hyard Konck Li9fe ut's Haard Kmock Llfe uIt's Hrd Llife Iut's Hrad Knmock Lilfe
Itt's Hzrd Khock Lofe I's Hzard Khnock I'ts Hazrd Knhock Liofe If's Hqrd Kjock Lkfe Ift's Hqard Itf's Haqrd Knjock Likfe
I5's Hsrd Kbock L8fe I5t's Hsard Kbnock L8ife It5's Hasrd Knbock Li8fe Ih's Hwrd Knoock Lufe Iht's Hward Knck Luife Ith's Hawrd Kncok Liufe
Iy's Hxrd Knkck Liffe Iyt's Hxard Knkock Lie Ity's Haxrd Knokck Lief I6's Harrd Kn9ck Lice I6t's Had Kn9ock Licfe

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