Cher Lloyd
No Diggity Shout

Shorty get down, good Lord
Baby got em up open all
Over town
Strietly biz, she don`t play around
Cover much ground got,
Game by the pound

Getting paid as a forty
Each and every day true
Player way
I can`t get it out of my mind
I think about the boy all the time

Shout shout let it all
Out because these are the tings
I can do without
Come on, I`m talking to you
Come on


East side to the west side
Pushig phat rides, it`s no surprised
She got tricks in the stash
Stacking up the cash gas

By no means average
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As almost she got the heaven
Baby you`re perfect ten I wanna get in
Can I get down so I can,
Please excuse if I come across room

That’s jest me and that’s how the playettes got to be
Stay kicking game with a capital G
Axe the people of my bloc, I`m as real as can be
Shout shout let it all
Out because these are the tings
I can do without
Come on, I`m talking to you
Come on

Shout (repeat)
Shout shout let it all
Out because these are the tings
I can do without
Come on, I`m talking to you
Come on

Shout (repeat)

Mirror lyrics:

Shout (repeat)

Come on
Come on, I`m talking to you
I can do without
Out because these are the tings
Shout shout let it all
Shout (repeat)

Come on
Come on, I`m talking to you
I can do without
Out because these are the tings
Shout shout let it all
Axe the people of my bloc, I`m as real as can be
Stay kicking game with a capital G
That’s jest me and that’s how the playettes got to be

Please excuse if I come across room
Can I get down so I can,
Baby you`re perfect ten I wanna get in
As almost she got the heaven
Find More lyrics at
By no means average

Stacking up the cash gas
She got tricks in the stash
Pushig phat rides, it`s no surprised
East side to the west side


Come on
Come on, I`m talking to you
I can do without
Out because these are the tings
Shout shout let it all

I think about the boy all the time
I can`t get it out of my mind
Player way
Each and every day true
Getting paid as a forty

Game by the pound
Cover much ground got,
Strietly biz, she don`t play around
Over town
Baby got em up open all
Shorty get down, good Lord

Relevant Tags:
NNo DDiggity SShout o iggity hout oN iDggity hSout mo xiggity zhout mNo xDiggity zShout Nmo Dxiggity Szhout ho eiggity whout
hNo eDiggity wShout Nho Deiggity Swhout jo figgity dhout jNo fDiggity dShout Njo Dfiggity Sdhout bo riggity ehout bNo rDiggity eShout
Nbo Driggity Sehout Noo ciggity xhout N cDiggity xShout No Dciggity Sxhout Nk siggity ahout Nko sDiggity aShout Nok Dsiggity Sahout
N9 Diiggity Shhout N9o Dggity Sout No9 Dgigity Sohut N0 Djggity Sjout N0o Djiggity Sjhout No0 Dijggity Shjout Nl D9ggity Suout
Nlo D9iggity Suhout Nol Di9ggity Shuout Ni Dlggity Snout Nio Dliggity Snhout Noi Dilggity Shnout Doggity Sbout Doiggity Sbhout
Dioggity Shbout Dkggity Sgout Dkiggity Sghout Dikggity Shgout D8ggity Syout D8iggity Syhout Di8ggity Shyout
Duggity Shoout Duiggity Shut Diuggity Shuot Digggity Shkut Digity Shkout Diggity Shokut Dihgity Sh9ut
Dihggity Sh9out Dighgity Sho9ut Diygity Sh0ut Diyggity Sh0out Digygity Sho0ut Dibgity Shlut Dibggity Shlout
Digbgity Sholut Divgity Shiut Divggity Shiout Digvgity Shoiut Difgity Shouut Difggity Shot Digfgity Shotu
Ditgity Shoht Ditggity Shohut Digtgity Shouht Sho7t Sho7ut Digigty Shou7t Dighity Shokt
Digghity Shoukt Digyity Shoit

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