Ub 40
Nothing Without You

When I'm with you I'm valuable
Original and fashionable
I'm totally formidable
When I'm with you

When you're with me invincible
I'm bullet-proof unsinkable
A one off individual
That's why you're with me

When I caught you unmissable
So loveable and kissable
Completely irresistable
That's why I caught you

Without you I am miserable
Unconfortable in principle
I think that we're inseperable
I'm nothing without you

Now you got me reliable
Flexible and pliable
You see its undeniable
That's where you got me

I'm nothing without you
A man without a goal
The last one waiting
A lost and lonely soul

Mirror lyrics:

A lost and lonely soul
The last one waiting
A man without a goal
I'm nothing without you

That's where you got me
You see its undeniable
Flexible and pliable
Now you got me reliable

I'm nothing without you
I think that we're inseperable
Unconfortable in principle
Without you I am miserable

That's why I caught you
Completely irresistable
So loveable and kissable
When I caught you unmissable

That's why you're with me
A one off individual
I'm bullet-proof unsinkable
When you're with me invincible

When I'm with you
I'm totally formidable
Original and fashionable
When I'm with you I'm valuable

Relevant Tags:
NNothing WWithout YYou othing ithout ou oNthing iWthout oYu mothing aithout gou mNothing aWithout gYou Nmothing Waithout Ygou
hothing 3ithout hou hNothing 3Without hYou Nhothing W3ithout Yhou jothing dithout 6ou jNothing dWithout 6You Njothing Wdithout Y6ou
bothing eithout uou bNothing eWithout uYou Nbothing Weithout Yuou Noothing sithout 7ou Nthing sWithout 7You Ntohing Wsithout Y7ou
Nkthing 2ithout jou Nkothing 2Without jYou Nokthing W2ithout Yjou N9thing qithout tou N9othing qWithout tYou No9thing Wqithout Ytou
N0thing Wiithout Yoou N0othing Wthout Yu No0thing Wtihout Yuo Nlthing Wjthout Yku Nlothing Wjithout Ykou Nolthing Wijthout Yoku
Nithing W9thout Y9u Niothing W9ithout Y9ou Noithing Wi9thout Yo9u Notthing Wlthout Y0u Nohing Wlithout Y0ou Nohting Wilthout Yo0u
Nofhing Wothout Ylu Nofthing Woithout Ylou Notfhing Wiothout Yolu No5hing Wkthout Yiu No5thing Wkithout Yiou Not5hing Wikthout Yoiu
Nohhing W8thout Youu Nohthing W8ithout Yo Nothhing Wi8thout You Noyhing Wuthout Yoh Noything Wuithout Yohu Notyhing Wiuthout Youh
No6hing Witthout Yo7 No6thing Wihout Yo7u Not6hing Wihtout You7 Noghing Wifhout Yok Nogthing Wifthout Notghing Witfhout Youk
Norhing Wi5hout Yoi Northing Wi5thout Notrhing Wit5hout Youi Wihhout Yo8 Noting Wihthout Yo8u Notihng Withhout You8
Notjing Wiyhout Yoj Notjhing Wiythout Yoju Nothjing Wityhout Youj Notuing Wi6hout Yoy Notuhing Wi6thout Yoyu Nothuing Wit6hout Youy
Notning Wighout Notnhing Wigthout Nothning Witghout Notbing Wirhout Notbhing Wirthout Nothbing Witrhout
Notging Witout Nothging Witohut Notying Witjout

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