Burning Heat

Burning in my heart- burning in my soul
Gotta have it more and more- hot and overloaded
Starving for some fun tonight- always dressed to kill
Don't tell me what i need- i need the thrill indeed

Don't stop me now
I'll run you over- bastard
Get out of my way
I feel mighty great

Burning heat- gets me- burning heat
Burning heat- breaks me- burning heat

Can't you see it coming- stronger than a bull
Get yourself going- you're too easy to beat
Don't forget i'm strong- powerful and straight
I can take you on 'cause i am hard to break

Don't stop me now
I'll run you over- bastard
Get out of my way
I feel mighty great

Burning heat- gets me- burning heat
Burning heat- breaks me- burning heat

Burning heat- gets me- burning heat
Burning heat- breaks me- burning heat
Burning heat- leads me- burning heat
Burning heat- feeds me- burning heat

Burning in my heart- burning in my soul
Gotta have it more and more- hot and overloaded

Burning heat- gets me- burning heat
Burning heat- breaks me- burning heat
Burning heat- leads me- burning heat
Burning heat- feeds me- burning heat

Mirror lyrics:

Burning heat- feeds me- burning heat
Burning heat- leads me- burning heat
Burning heat- breaks me- burning heat
Burning heat- gets me- burning heat

Gotta have it more and more- hot and overloaded
Burning in my heart- burning in my soul

Burning heat- feeds me- burning heat
Burning heat- leads me- burning heat
Burning heat- breaks me- burning heat
Burning heat- gets me- burning heat

Burning heat- breaks me- burning heat
Burning heat- gets me- burning heat

I feel mighty great
Get out of my way
I'll run you over- bastard
Don't stop me now

I can take you on 'cause i am hard to break
Don't forget i'm strong- powerful and straight
Get yourself going- you're too easy to beat
Can't you see it coming- stronger than a bull

Burning heat- breaks me- burning heat
Burning heat- gets me- burning heat

I feel mighty great
Get out of my way
I'll run you over- bastard
Don't stop me now

Don't tell me what i need- i need the thrill indeed
Starving for some fun tonight- always dressed to kill
Gotta have it more and more- hot and overloaded
Burning in my heart- burning in my soul

Relevant Tags:
BBurning HHeat urning eat uBrning eHat vurning jeat vBurning jHeat Bvurning Hjeat gurning ueat gBurning uHeat Bgurning Hueat
nurning neat nBurning nHeat Bnurning Hneat hurning beat hBurning bHeat Bhurning Hbeat Buurning geat Brning gHeat Bruning Hgeat
Bhrning yeat yHeat Buhrning Hyeat B7rning Heeat B7urning Hat Bu7rning Haet Bkrning Hsat Bkurning Hseat Bukrning Hesat
Birning H3at Biurning H3eat Buirning He3at B8rning Hfat B8urning Hfeat Bu8rning Hefat Bjrning Hrat Bjurning Hreat Bujrning Herat
Byrning H4at Byurning H4eat Buyrning He4at Burrning Hdat Buning Hdeat Bunring Hedat Budning Hwat Budrning Hweat Burdning Hewat
Bu4ning Heaat Bu4rning Het Bur4ning Heta Bugning Hezt Bugrning Hezat Burgning Heazt Butning Heqt Butrning Heqat Burtning Heaqt
Bu5ning Hest Bu5rning Bur5ning Heast Bufning Hewt Bufrning Burfning Heawt Buening Hext Buerning Hexat Burening Heaxt
Burnning Heatt Buring Hea Burinng Heat Burming Heaf

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