Two Months Off

There was a little drawing of a heart next to that,
followed by an exclaimation mark.
The back of his was covered in stuff... stuff like:
Brandon is not a very nice guy, but Alex is sooo nice.
And that had the exclaimation thing too.
It was just silly crap that hit the spot. And he let himself be drawn in.

you bring light in...

to a dark place
walking in light
glowing walking in light
gold ring around you
the hues of you
the golden sunlight of you

you bring light in...

cool wind following
following after you
rising for you
your skin beautiful
everything comes natural
fantastic fan
rocking rocking floating

Mirror lyrics:

rocking rocking floating
fantastic fan
everything comes natural
your skin beautiful
rising for you
following after you
cool wind following

you bring light in...

the golden sunlight of you
the hues of you
gold ring around you
glowing walking in light
walking in light
to a dark place

you bring light in...

It was just silly crap that hit the spot. And he let himself be drawn in.
And that had the exclaimation thing too.
Brandon is not a very nice guy, but Alex is sooo nice.
The back of his was covered in stuff... stuff like:
followed by an exclaimation mark.
There was a little drawing of a heart next to that,

Relevant Tags:
TTwo MMonths OOff wo onths ff wTo oMnths fOf fwo jonths kff fTwo jMonths kOff Tfwo Mjonths Okff 5wo konths 9ff 5Two kMonths 9Off
T5wo Mkonths O9ff hwo nonths 0ff hTwo nMonths 0Off Thwo Mnonths O0ff ywo Moonths lff yTwo Mnths lOff Tywo Mnoths Olff 6wo Mknths iff
6Two iOff T6wo Moknths Oiff gwo M9nths Offf gTwo M9onths Of Tgwo Mo9nths Off rwo M0nths Ocf rTwo M0onths Ocff Trwo Mo0nths Ofcf
Twwo Mlnths Orf To Mlonths Orff Tow Molnths Ofrf Tao Minths Ogf Tawo Mionths Ogff Twao Moinths Ofgf T3o Monnths Otf T3wo Moths Otff
Tw3o Motnhs Oftf Tdo Momths Ovf Tdwo Momnths Ovff Twdo Monmths Ofvf Teo Mohths Odf Tewo Mohnths Odff Tweo Monhths Ofdf Tso Mojths
Tswo Mojnths Twso Monjths T2o Mobths Ofc T2wo Mobnths Tw2o Monbths Offc Tqo Montths Ofr Tqwo Monhs Twqo Monhts Offr
Twoo Monfhs Ofg Tw Monfths Two Montfhs Offg Twk Mon5hs Oft Twko Mon5ths

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