
[russian Bible passages]


PSALM 50:1-6

The Lord God, the Mighty One

Calls the earth from east to west.

God from Zion does shine forth;

Perfected in beauty he.

Our God comes, no silence keeps,

Fire before him, tempests 'round.

He calls out to heav'n and earth,

So that he may judge his own:

"Bring to me my faithful ones,

Who made covenant with me through their sacrifice!"

The heav'ns call God just, for he is judge!

Mirror lyrics:

The heav'ns call God just, for he is judge!

Who made covenant with me through their sacrifice!"

"Bring to me my faithful ones,

So that he may judge his own:

He calls out to heav'n and earth,

Fire before him, tempests 'round.

Our God comes, no silence keeps,

Perfected in beauty he.

God from Zion does shine forth;

Calls the earth from east to west.

The Lord God, the Mighty One

PSALM 50:1-6


[russian Bible passages]

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