Quarter Life Crisis

I'm 24 - I'm learning to skateboard - I'm learning to wait for
the love of my life and I'll settle for nothing less
If there is more in life - then I cannot place it - found fear and I faced it
Believe in the future and know this is not the end

I'm 25 - but dating much younger - the music my hunger
Can we have it all or will all of it slip away?
Have faith in my friends - but fear their decisions - surviving revisions
Believe that the forces protecting us still remain

Are you moody cuz it's over and you can't find the time?
Time to look back into the past and be happy with what you find?
There's an answer to your question, there's a rhythm to your ryhme
Give you a penny for your thoughts and a dime for your time

So you sit alone in your room, wondering where you went wrong
Are you happy with how you turned out? Are you happy with all you've done?

You're having a Quarter-Life Crisis, yeah you're half way to the hole
You're having a Quarter-Life Crisis and you feel like you're getting old
Another sun comes up and a sun goes down - it's time for another day
When the calendar's burned, all that you learned, you discovered along the way

I'm 24 - and my hair is thinning - think back to beginnings
Who would have thought way back then we would come so far
Though sometimes it seems - this spirit of bandhood - conflicts with my manhood
Believe that the ride does not end until I walk away

Mirror lyrics:

Believe that the ride does not end until I walk away
Though sometimes it seems - this spirit of bandhood - conflicts with my manhood
Who would have thought way back then we would come so far
I'm 24 - and my hair is thinning - think back to beginnings

When the calendar's burned, all that you learned, you discovered along the way
Another sun comes up and a sun goes down - it's time for another day
You're having a Quarter-Life Crisis and you feel like you're getting old
You're having a Quarter-Life Crisis, yeah you're half way to the hole

Are you happy with how you turned out? Are you happy with all you've done?
So you sit alone in your room, wondering where you went wrong

Give you a penny for your thoughts and a dime for your time
There's an answer to your question, there's a rhythm to your ryhme
Time to look back into the past and be happy with what you find?
Are you moody cuz it's over and you can't find the time?

Believe that the forces protecting us still remain
Have faith in my friends - but fear their decisions - surviving revisions
Can we have it all or will all of it slip away?
I'm 25 - but dating much younger - the music my hunger

Believe in the future and know this is not the end
If there is more in life - then I cannot place it - found fear and I faced it
the love of my life and I'll settle for nothing less
I'm 24 - I'm learning to skateboard - I'm learning to wait for

Relevant Tags:
QQuarter LLife CCrisis uarter ife risis uQarter iLfe rCisis auarter kife frisis aQuarter kLife fCrisis Qauarter Lkife Cfrisis
2uarter oife xrisis 2Quarter oLife xCrisis Q2uarter Loife Cxrisis wuarter pife vrisis wQuarter pLife vCrisis Qwuarter Lpife Cvrisis
suarter Liife drisis sQuarter Lfe dCrisis Qsuarter Lfie Cdrisis 1uarter Ljfe Crrisis 1Quarter Ljife Cisis Q1uarter Lijfe Cirsis
Quuarter L9fe Cdisis Qarter L9ife Qaurter Li9fe Crdisis Qharter Llfe C4isis Qhuarter Llife C4risis Quharter Lilfe Cr4isis
Q7arter Lofe Cgisis Q7uarter Cgrisis Qu7arter Liofe Crgisis Qkarter Lkfe Ctisis Qkuarter Ctrisis Qukarter Likfe Crtisis
Qiarter L8fe C5isis Qiuarter L8ife C5risis Quiarter Li8fe Cr5isis Q8arter Lufe Cfisis Q8uarter Luife Qu8arter Liufe Crfisis
Qjarter Liffe Ceisis Qjuarter Lie Cerisis Qujarter Lief Creisis Qyarter Lice Criisis Qyuarter Licfe Crsis Quyarter Lifce Crsiis
Quaarter Lire Crjsis Qurter Lirfe Crjisis Qurater Lifre Crijsis Quzrter Lige Cr9sis Quzarter Ligfe Cr9isis Quazrter Lifge Cri9sis
Quqrter Lite Crlsis Quqarter Litfe Crlisis Quaqrter Lifte Crilsis Qusrter Live Crosis Qusarter Livfe Croisis Quasrter Lifve Criosis
Quwrter Lide Crksis Quwarter Lidfe Crkisis Quawrter Lifde Criksis Quxrter Lifee Cr8sis Quxarter Lif Cr8isis Quaxrter Life Cri8sis
Quarrter Lifs Crusis Quater Lifse Cruisis Quatrer Lifes Criusis Quadter Lif3 Crissis Quadrter Lif3e Criis Quardter Life3 Criiss
Qua4ter Liff Crizis Qua4rter Crizsis Quar4ter Lifef Criszis Quagter Lifr Criwis Quagrter Criwsis Quargter Lifer Criswis

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