Uncle Tupelo
Wait Up

Are you surprised it's me

Hope I didn't wake anybody

Honey, please wait up for me

I miss you more than I need sleep

Guess I'll let you go

Even though I don't want to

Honey, please wait up for me

I need you and I can't keep up this speed

Mirror lyrics:

I need you and I can't keep up this speed

Honey, please wait up for me

Even though I don't want to

Guess I'll let you go

I miss you more than I need sleep

Honey, please wait up for me

Hope I didn't wake anybody

Are you surprised it's me

Relevant Tags:
WWait UUp ait p aWit pU aait hp aWait hUp Waait Uhp 3ait 7p 3Wait 7Up W3ait U7p dait kp dWait kUp
Wdait Ukp eait ip eWait iUp Weait Uip sait 8p sWait 8Up Wsait U8p 2ait jp 2Wait jUp W2ait Ujp qait yp
qWait yUp Wqait Uyp Upp Wit U Wiat Up Wzit U0 Wzait U0p Wazit Up0 Wqit Ul Ulp Waqit Upl
Wsit Uo Uop Wasit Upo Wwit Wwait Wawit Wxit Wxait Waxit Waiit Wat

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