Uncle Kracker
You're Not Free

I remember you like it was yesterday
Remember the time you said you'd find me
I remember the songs that you used to play
I hear them still and it reminds me
My runaway you know you've gone wrong for so long
So glamorus at the outset
Now you're almost done

You're not free
You're only lost
Time to get home
And count up the calls
Livin' on dreams
That never were real
Get down to the touch
Because you can't feel
You're not free
You're only lost

Prayin' to God
You've broken the chains
One day you'll look back
And think of my name
All of your friends
Pretend you're the best
They run you around
But they could care less
They'll never see
How good it could be
No man like me
They'll never know
Just where it could go
You think you're free

You're not free
You're only lost
Time to get home
And count up the calls
Livin' on dreams
That never were real
Get down to the touch
Because you can't feel
You stumbled
And you still don't see it
The losers always think they can win
You're never gonna wanna believe it
You think you're gone
But I see ya yeah

You're not free
You're only lost
Time to get home
And count up the calls
Livin' on dreams
That never were real
Get down to the touch
Because you can't feel

You're not free
You're only lost
Time to get home
And count up the calls
Livin' on dreams
That never were real
Get down to the touch
Because you can't feel

You're not free
You're only lost
You're not free
You're not free
You're not free

Mirror lyrics:

You're not free
You're not free
You're not free
You're only lost
You're not free

Because you can't feel
Get down to the touch
That never were real
Livin' on dreams
And count up the calls
Time to get home
You're only lost
You're not free

Because you can't feel
Get down to the touch
That never were real
Livin' on dreams
And count up the calls
Time to get home
You're only lost
You're not free

But I see ya yeah
You think you're gone
You're never gonna wanna believe it
The losers always think they can win
And you still don't see it
You stumbled
Because you can't feel
Get down to the touch
That never were real
Livin' on dreams
And count up the calls
Time to get home
You're only lost
You're not free

You think you're free
Just where it could go
They'll never know
No man like me
How good it could be
They'll never see
But they could care less
They run you around
Pretend you're the best
All of your friends
And think of my name
One day you'll look back
You've broken the chains
Prayin' to God

You're only lost
You're not free
Because you can't feel
Get down to the touch
That never were real
Livin' on dreams
And count up the calls
Time to get home
You're only lost
You're not free

Now you're almost done
So glamorus at the outset
My runaway you know you've gone wrong for so long
I hear them still and it reminds me
I remember the songs that you used to play
Remember the time you said you'd find me
I remember you like it was yesterday

Relevant Tags:
YYou're NNot FFree ou're ot ree oYu're oNt rFee gou're mot cree gYou're mNot cFree Ygou're Nmot Fcree hou're hot rree
hYou're hNot rFree Yhou're Nhot Frree 6ou're jot gree 6You're jNot gFree Y6ou're Njot Fgree uou're bot tree uYou're bNot tFree
Yuou're Nbot Ftree 7ou're Noot vree 7You're Nt vFree Y7ou're Nto Fvree jou're Nkt dree jYou're Nkot dFree Yjou're Nokt Fdree
tou're N9t tYou're N9ot Fee Ytou're No9t Fere Yoou're N0t Fdee Yu're N0ot Yuo're No0t Frdee Yku're Nlt F4ee
Ykou're Nlot F4ree Yoku're Nolt Fr4ee Y9u're Nit Fgee Y9ou're Niot Yo9u're Noit Frgee Y0u're Nott Ftee Y0ou're No
Yo0u're Not Frtee Ylu're Nof F5ee Ylou're Noft F5ree Yolu're Notf Fr5ee Yiu're No5 Ffee Yiou're No5t Ffree Yoiu're Not5 Frfee
Youu're Noh Feee Yo're Noht Feree Yo'ure Noth Freee Yoh're Noy Yohu're Noyt Fre Youh're Noty Free Yo7're No6 Frse
Yo7u're No6t Frsee You7're Not6 Frese Yok're Nog Fr3e Nogt Fr3ee Youk're Notg Fre3e Yoi're Nor Frfe

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