
As our standards fall.
Belief and faith dies.
It's made it's mark.
Now we wander into our final our.
Wars. Faith.
Failing methods fill the days.
Undermine life.
Baneful steps that conjure hate.
Claiming our lives.
Balance fades with every day.
A growing cloud.
Simple lessons show the way.
Fall into void.
We stopped listening.
Followed our nature.
Bound by hatred our lives grow torn.
Finding new ways to betray.
Claiming the weak.
Boundaries crossed with no remorse.
Killing ourselves.
Forcing dogma overthrown.
A new standard waits.
Credence in all but one.
Our own kind.
Are you listening?
Now can you feel me?
Now are you listening?
Now can you feel me?
Take one look at our battered existence.
This persists in unity as every culture burns and segregates.
Shattered our lives grow torn.
Who will save you?
Our demise.
Stand up it's time to face your day.
Regret is such a bitter taste.
Such a bitter taste.
Such a bitter taste

Mirror lyrics:

Such a bitter taste
Such a bitter taste.
Regret is such a bitter taste.
Stand up it's time to face your day.
Our demise.
Who will save you?
Shattered our lives grow torn.
This persists in unity as every culture burns and segregates.
Take one look at our battered existence.
Now can you feel me?
Now are you listening?
Now can you feel me?
Are you listening?
Our own kind.
Credence in all but one.
A new standard waits.
Forcing dogma overthrown.
Killing ourselves.
Boundaries crossed with no remorse.
Claiming the weak.
Finding new ways to betray.
Bound by hatred our lives grow torn.
Followed our nature.
We stopped listening.
Fall into void.
Simple lessons show the way.
A growing cloud.
Balance fades with every day.
Claiming our lives.
Baneful steps that conjure hate.
Undermine life.
Failing methods fill the days.
Wars. Faith.
Now we wander into our final our.
It's made it's mark.
Belief and faith dies.
As our standards fall.

Relevant Tags:
MMoniton oniton oMniton joniton jMoniton Mjoniton koniton kMoniton Mkoniton noniton nMoniton
Mnoniton Mooniton Mniton Mnoiton Mkniton Mokniton M9niton M9oniton Mo9niton M0niton M0oniton
Mo0niton Mlniton Mloniton Molniton Miniton Mioniton Moiniton Monniton Moiton Mointon Momiton
Momniton Monmiton Mohiton Mohniton Monhiton Mojiton Mojniton Monjiton Mobiton Mobniton Monbiton
Moniiton Monton Montion Monjton Monijton Mon9ton Mon9iton Moni9ton Monlton Monliton Monilton
Monoton Monoiton Monioton Monkton Monkiton

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