Two For The Show

Two for the show
And my mother wants to go
It'll break her heart when I tell her
She's too old

I'm in my place
I got makeup all over my face
I think I know my lines
But I dunno

One for the money
Two for the show
Three for the lady on the radio
Four might be the one
You'll never know, you'll never know
If only there was a better way to go {way to go}
Two for the show

Waiting in the wings
While the queen of virtue sings
It'll break her heart when I tell her
She's out of key

If they gave her half a chance
She could soon learn how to dance
So she could earn her living

One for the money
Two for the show
Three for the lady on the radio
Four might be the one
You'll never know, you'll never know
If only there was a better way to go {way to go}
Two for the show

Mirror lyrics:

Two for the show
If only there was a better way to go {way to go}
You'll never know, you'll never know
Four might be the one
Three for the lady on the radio
Two for the show
One for the money

So she could earn her living
She could soon learn how to dance
If they gave her half a chance

She's out of key
It'll break her heart when I tell her
While the queen of virtue sings
Waiting in the wings

Two for the show
If only there was a better way to go {way to go}
You'll never know, you'll never know
Four might be the one
Three for the lady on the radio
Two for the show
One for the money

But I dunno
I think I know my lines
I got makeup all over my face
I'm in my place

She's too old
It'll break her heart when I tell her
And my mother wants to go
Two for the show

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TTwo FFor TThe SShow wo or he how wTo oFr hTe hSow fwo cor fhe zhow fTwo cFor fThe zShow Tfwo Fcor Tfhe Szhow 5wo ror 5he whow
5Two rFor 5The wShow T5wo Fror T5he Swhow hwo gor hhe dhow hTwo gFor hThe dShow Thwo Fgor Thhe Sdhow ywo tor yhe ehow yTwo tFor yThe eShow
Tywo Ftor Tyhe Sehow 6wo vor 6he xhow 6Two vFor 6The xShow T6wo Fvor T6he Sxhow gwo dor ghe ahow gTwo dFor gThe aShow Tgwo Fdor Tghe Sahow
rwo Foor rhe Shhow rTwo Fr rThe Sow Trwo Fro Trhe Sohw Twwo Fkr Sjow To Fkor Te Sjhow Tow Fokr Teh Shjow Tao F9r Tje Suow
Tawo F9or Tjhe Suhow Twao Fo9r Thje Shuow T3o F0r Tue Snow T3wo F0or Tuhe Snhow Tw3o Fo0r Thue Shnow Tdo Flr Tne Sbow Tdwo Flor Tnhe Sbhow
Twdo Folr Thne Shbow Teo Fir Tbe Sgow Tewo Fior Tbhe Sghow Tweo Foir Thbe Shgow Tso Forr Tge Syow Tswo Fo Syhow Twso For Thge Shyow

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