Thin White Line

Once upon a time, you were a friend of mine
We used to sing songs, all night long
And I trusted you, everything you said was true
Now I can't get through to you, something's wrong

There's a thin white line, separating yours and mine
You want me to believe, that everything is fine
And the cow jumped over the moon

Well I guess Superman was right
Some people need their kryptonite
They gotta have something, to take them away
I don't know where you're going to
But I know I can't go there with you
The thin white line, turned into a wall

There's a thin white line, separating yours and mine
You want me to believe, that everything is fine
And the cow jumped over the moon

Round trip ticket takes you back to where you started
It's hard to start again
One way ticket means you gotta go somewhere
Every line's gotta end

Once upon a time, you were a friend of mine
We used to sing songs, all night long
And I lost you
Just another friend it cost you
The thin white line, turned into a wall

There's a thin white line, separating yours and mine
You want me to believe, that everything is fine
And the cow jumped over the moon
And the cow jumped over the moon
You want me to believe that everything is fine ...

Mirror lyrics:

You want me to believe that everything is fine ...
And the cow jumped over the moon
And the cow jumped over the moon
You want me to believe, that everything is fine
There's a thin white line, separating yours and mine

The thin white line, turned into a wall
Just another friend it cost you
And I lost you
We used to sing songs, all night long
Once upon a time, you were a friend of mine

Every line's gotta end
One way ticket means you gotta go somewhere
It's hard to start again
Round trip ticket takes you back to where you started

And the cow jumped over the moon
You want me to believe, that everything is fine
There's a thin white line, separating yours and mine

The thin white line, turned into a wall
But I know I can't go there with you
I don't know where you're going to
They gotta have something, to take them away
Some people need their kryptonite
Well I guess Superman was right

And the cow jumped over the moon
You want me to believe, that everything is fine
There's a thin white line, separating yours and mine

Now I can't get through to you, something's wrong
And I trusted you, everything you said was true
We used to sing songs, all night long
Once upon a time, you were a friend of mine

Relevant Tags:
TThin WWhite LLine hin hite ine hTin hWite iLne fhin ahite kine fThin aWhite kLine Tfhin Wahite Lkine 5hin 3hite oine
5Thin 3White oLine T5hin W3hite Loine hhin dhite pine hThin dWhite pLine Thhin Wdhite Lpine yhin ehite Liine yThin eWhite Lne
Tyhin Wehite Lnie 6hin shite Ljne 6Thin sWhite Ljine T6hin Wshite Lijne ghin 2hite L9ne gThin 2White L9ine Tghin W2hite Li9ne
rhin qhite Llne rThin qWhite Lline Trhin Wqhite Lilne Whhite Lone Tin Wite Tihn Wihte Lione Tjin Wjite Lkne
Tjhin Wjhite Thjin Whjite Likne Tuin Wuite L8ne Tuhin Wuhite L8ine Thuin Whuite Li8ne Tnin Wnite Lune Tnhin Wnhite Luine
Thnin Whnite Liune Tbin Wbite Linne Tbhin Wbhite Lie Thbin Whbite Lien Tgin Wgite Lime Wghite Limne Thgin Whgite Linme
Tyin Wyite Lihe Wyhite Lihne Thyin Whyite Linhe Thiin Whiite Lije Thn Whte Thni Whtie Linje Thjn Whjte Libe
Libne Thijn Whijte Linbe Th9n Wh9te Linee Th9in Wh9ite Lin Thi9n Whi9te Line Thln Whlte Lins Thlin Whlite Linse
Thiln Whilte Lines

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