No Fun Bein' Alone

He never said he loved her
And she never said she cared
Now he's out on a ship somewhere
And she's still running scared
She never thought to ask him
And he never thought to say
Now they're both out somewhere looking for
The love that got away

She changed her name to Venus
He got a job in Spain
She lives alone in Dunbar
With a cat that has no name
Once he thought he saw her
In a Spanish cabaret
But it was just another stand-in for
The love that got away

And it's no fun being alone
She'd sell her soul for someone to call her own
He's been waiting for a reason to head for home
'Cause it's no fun with no one
It's no fun being alone

He never said he loved her
And she never said she cared
So they've lived alone and never known
The life they might have shared
She never thought to ask him
And he never thought to say
Now they'd gladly trade their freedom for
The love that got away

Cause it's no fun being alone
And she'd sell her soul for someone to call her own
He's been waiting for a reason to head for home
It's no fun with no one
It's no fun being alone

Mirror lyrics:

It's no fun being alone
It's no fun with no one
He's been waiting for a reason to head for home
And she'd sell her soul for someone to call her own
Cause it's no fun being alone

The love that got away
Now they'd gladly trade their freedom for
And he never thought to say
She never thought to ask him
The life they might have shared
So they've lived alone and never known
And she never said she cared
He never said he loved her

It's no fun being alone
'Cause it's no fun with no one
He's been waiting for a reason to head for home
She'd sell her soul for someone to call her own
And it's no fun being alone

The love that got away
But it was just another stand-in for
In a Spanish cabaret
Once he thought he saw her
With a cat that has no name
She lives alone in Dunbar
He got a job in Spain
She changed her name to Venus

The love that got away
Now they're both out somewhere looking for
And he never thought to say
She never thought to ask him
And she's still running scared
Now he's out on a ship somewhere
And she never said she cared
He never said he loved her

Relevant Tags:
NNo FFun BBein' AAlone o un ein' lone oN uFn eBin' lAone mo cun vein' zlone mNo cFun vBein' zAlone Nmo Fcun Bvein' Azlone
ho run gein' qlone hNo rFun gBein' qAlone Nho Frun Bgein' Aqlone jo gun nein' slone jNo gFun nBein' sAlone Njo Fgun Bnein' Aslone
bo tun hein' wlone bNo tFun hBein' wAlone Nbo Ftun Bhein' Awlone Noo vun Beein' xlone N vFun Bin' xAlone No Fvun Bien' Axlone
Nk dun Bsin' Allone Nko dFun Bsein' Aone Nok Fdun Besin' Aolne N9 Fuun B3in' Akone N9o Fn B3ein' Aklone No9 Fnu Be3in' Alkone
N0 Fhn Bfin' Aoone N0o Fhun Bfein' Aolone No0 Fuhn Befin' Aloone Nl F7n Brin' Apone Nlo F7un Brein' Aplone Nol Fu7n Berin' Alpone
Ni Fkn B4in' Nio Fkun B4ein' Alne Noi Fukn Be4in' Alnoe Fin Bdin' Alkne Fiun Bdein' Fuin Bedin' Alokne
F8n Bwin' Al9ne F8un Bwein' Al9one Fu8n Bewin' Alo9ne Fjn Beiin' Al0ne Fjun Ben' Al0one Fujn Beni' Alo0ne

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