Eddy Takes It Easy

Well it's good to see ya, Eddy
How you doin', where ya been
We'll find you a place in the thick of it
So sit back, and drink it in

And maybe we'll go out later
Eat some pizza, drink some beers
And talk about Mr. Nixon
It's good to see ya here

Eddy takes it easy
He takes it while he can
Eddy takes it easy
He's a first class drinkin'
A first class drinkin' man

Well, I met you at a party
We were drinking dollar wine
You just sat there grinnin'
Like you were having a real good time

Well you moved down to the city
And I see you now and then
Sometimes you're the star of the party
Other times you just drink it in

Eddy takes it easy
He takes it while he can
Eddy takes it easy
He's a first class drinkin'
A first class drinkin' man
Eddy takes it easy ...

Mirror lyrics:

Eddy takes it easy ...
A first class drinkin' man
He's a first class drinkin'
Eddy takes it easy
He takes it while he can
Eddy takes it easy

Other times you just drink it in
Sometimes you're the star of the party
And I see you now and then
Well you moved down to the city

Like you were having a real good time
You just sat there grinnin'
We were drinking dollar wine
Well, I met you at a party

A first class drinkin' man
He's a first class drinkin'
Eddy takes it easy
He takes it while he can
Eddy takes it easy

It's good to see ya here
And talk about Mr. Nixon
Eat some pizza, drink some beers
And maybe we'll go out later

So sit back, and drink it in
We'll find you a place in the thick of it
How you doin', where ya been
Well it's good to see ya, Eddy

Relevant Tags:
EEddy TTakes IIt EEasy ddy akes t asy dEdy aTkes tI aEsy sddy fakes jt sasy sEddy fTakes jIt sEasy Esddy Tfakes Ijt Esasy
3ddy 5akes 9t 3asy 3Eddy 5Takes 9It 3Easy E3ddy T5akes I9t E3asy fddy hakes lt fasy fEddy hTakes lIt fEasy Efddy Thakes Ilt Efasy
rddy yakes ot rasy rEddy yTakes oIt rEasy Erddy Tyakes Iot Erasy 4ddy 6akes kt 4asy 4Eddy 6Takes kIt 4Easy E4ddy T6akes Ikt E4asy
dddy gakes 8t dasy dEddy gTakes 8It dEasy Edddy Tgakes I8t Edasy wddy rakes ut wasy wEddy rTakes uIt wEasy Ewddy Trakes Iut Ewasy
Taakes Itt Eaasy Edy Tkes I Esy Eddy Tkaes It Esay Exdy Tzkes If Ezsy Exddy Tzakes Ift Ezasy Edxdy Tazkes Itf Eazsy
Eedy Tqkes I5 Eqsy Eeddy Tqakes I5t Eqasy Ededy Taqkes It5 Eaqsy Efdy Tskes Ih Essy Tsakes Iht Edfdy Taskes Ith Eassy
Erdy Twkes Iy Ewsy Twakes Iyt Edrdy Tawkes Ity Eawsy Ecdy Txkes I6 Exsy Ecddy Txakes I6t Exasy Edcdy Taxkes It6 Eaxsy
Esdy Takkes Ig Taes Igt Eay Edsdy Taeks Itg Eays Tales Ir Eazy Talkes Irt Edyd Takles Itr Easzy
Edxy Taoes Eawy Taokes Eddxy Takoes Easwy

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