Love Is All Around

I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.
Well love is all around me, and so the feeling grows.
It´s written on the wind, it´s everywhere I go.
So if you really love me, come on and let it show.

You know I love you, I always will.
My mind's made up by the way that I feel,
there´s no beginning, there´ll be no end
cause on my love you can depend.

I see your face before me as I lay on my bed
I kinda get to thinking, of all the things you said.
You gave your promise to me, and I gave mine to you.
I need someone beside me in everything I do.

You know I love you...........(etc)

It´s written on the wind..........(etc)

come on and let it show
come on and let it show
come on and let it show

Mirror lyrics:

come on and let it show
come on and let it show
come on and let it show

It´s written on the wind..........(etc)

You know I love you...........(etc)

I need someone beside me in everything I do.
You gave your promise to me, and I gave mine to you.
I kinda get to thinking, of all the things you said.
I see your face before me as I lay on my bed

cause on my love you can depend.
there´s no beginning, there´ll be no end
My mind's made up by the way that I feel,
You know I love you, I always will.

So if you really love me, come on and let it show.
It´s written on the wind, it´s everywhere I go.
Well love is all around me, and so the feeling grows.
I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes.

Relevant Tags:
LLove IIs AAll AAround ove s ll round oLve sI lAl rAound kove js zll zround kLove jIs zAll zAround Lkove Ijs Azll Azround
oove 9s qll qround oLove 9Is qAll qAround Loove I9s Aqll Aqround pove ls sll sround pLove lIs sAll sAround Lpove Ils Asll Asround
os wll wround Lve oIs wAll wAround Lvoe Ios Awll Awround Lkve ks xll xround kIs xAll xAround Lokve Iks Axll Axround
L9ve 8s Alll Arround L9ove 8Is Al Aound Lo9ve I8s All Aorund L0ve us Akl Adound L0ove uIs Akll Adround Lo0ve Ius Alkl Ardound
Llve Iss Aol A4ound Llove I Aoll A4round Lolve Is Alol Ar4ound Live Iz Apl Agound Liove Izs Apll Aground Loive Isz Alpl Argound
Lovve Iw Atound Loe Iws Atround Loev Isw Artound Lobe Id Alk A5ound Lobve Ids A5round Lovbe Isd Allk Ar5ound
Loce Ie Alo Afound Locve Ies Afround Lovce Ise Allo Arfound Loge Ix Alp Aeound Logve Ixs Aeround Lovge Isx Allp Areound
Lofe Ia Aroound Lofve Ias Arund Lovfe Isa Aruond Lovee Arkund Lov Arkound Love Arokund
Lovs Ar9und Lovse Ar9ound Loves Aro9und Lov3 Ar0und Lov3e Ar0ound Love3 Aro0und
Lovf Arlund Arlound Lovef Arolund Lovr Ariund

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