In The Name Of Talent (italian Western Ii)

What suffering is born in the name of love...
He went through life sometimes crying,
Never trying,
Sometimes crying,
The books that he read and the TV set,
All wasted time,
He began to think that his future lay in the hands of fate,
(You see) He'd move this way,
He'd move that way,
Or just hesitate,
It comes out the same,
He wondered what was to blame,
He travels light,
No excess baggage,
His religion saved him but there was a price to pay,
His friends could see it in the way he stared that day,
A life on over ride (repeats)

Mirror lyrics:

A life on over ride (repeats)
His friends could see it in the way he stared that day,
His religion saved him but there was a price to pay,
No excess baggage,
He travels light,
He wondered what was to blame,
It comes out the same,
Or just hesitate,
He'd move that way,
(You see) He'd move this way,
He began to think that his future lay in the hands of fate,
All wasted time,
The books that he read and the TV set,
Sometimes crying,
Never trying,
He went through life sometimes crying,
What suffering is born in the name of love...

Relevant Tags:
IIn TThe NName OOf TTalent ((italian WWestern IIi) n he ame f alent italian estern i) nI hTe aNme fO aTlent i(talian eWstern iI)
jn fhe mame kf falent (iitalian aestern ji) jIn fThe mName kOf fTalent (talian aWestern jIi) Ijn Tfhe Nmame Okf Tfalent (tialian Waestern Iji)
9n 5he hame 9f 5alent (jtalian 3estern 9i) 9In 5The hName 9Of 5Talent (jitalian 3Western 9Ii) I9n T5he Nhame O9f T5alent (ijtalian W3estern I9i)
ln hhe jame 0f halent (9talian destern li) lIn hThe jName 0Of hTalent (9italian dWestern lIi) Iln Thhe Njame O0f Thalent (i9talian Wdestern Ili)
on yhe bame lf yalent (ltalian eestern oi) oIn yThe bName lOf yTalent (litalian eWestern oIi) Ion Tyhe Nbame Olf Tyalent (iltalian Weestern Ioi)
kn 6he Naame if 6alent (otalian sestern ki) kIn 6The Nme iOf 6Talent (oitalian sWestern kIi) Ikn T6he Nmae Oif T6alent (iotalian Wsestern Iki)
8n ghe Nzme Off galent (ktalian 2estern 8i) 8In gThe Nzame O gTalent (kitalian 2Western 8Ii) I8n Tghe Nazme Of Tgalent (iktalian W2estern I8i)
un rhe Nqme Oc ralent (8talian qestern ui) uIn rThe Nqame Ocf rTalent (8italian qWestern uIi) Iun Trhe Naqme Ofc Tralent (i8talian Wqestern Iui)
Inn Nsme Or Taalent (utalian Iii) I Te Nsame Orf Tlent (uitalian Wstern I) In Teh Nasme Ofr Tlaent (iutalian Wsetern I)i
Im Tje Nwme Og Tzlent (ittalian Wsstern Ij) Imn Tjhe Nwame Ogf Tzalent (ialian Inm Thje Nawme Ofg Tazlent (iatlian Wesstern Iij)
Ih Tue Nxme Ot Tqlent (ifalian W3stern I9) Ihn Tuhe Nxame Otf Tqalent (iftalian Inh Thue Naxme Oft Taqlent (itfalian We3stern Ii9)
Ij Tne Namme Ov Tslent (i5alian Wfstern Il) Tnhe Nae Ovf Tsalent (i5talian Wfestern Inj Thne Naem Ofv Taslent (it5alian Wefstern Iil)
Ib Tbe Naje Od Twlent (ihalian Wrstern Io) Ibn Tbhe Najme Odf Twalent (ihtalian Wrestern Inb Thbe Namje Ofd Tawlent (ithalian Werstern Iio)
Tge Nake Txlent (iyalian W4stern Ik) Nakme Txalent (iytalian W4estern Thge Namke Taxlent (ityalian We4stern Iik)
Tye Nane Tallent (i6alian Wdstern I8) Nanme Taent (i6talian Thye Namne Taelnt (it6alian Wedstern Ii8)
Thee Namee Takent (igalian Wwstern Iu) Th Nam Taklent (igtalian Wwestern The Name Talkent (itgalian Wewstern Iiu)
Ths Nams Taoent (iralian Ii)) Thse Namse Taolent (irtalian Wetern Ii Thes Names Taloent (itralian Wetsern Ii)
Th3 Nam3 Tapent (itaalian Weztern Th3e Nam3e Taplent (itlian Wezstern The3 Name3 Talpent (itlaian Wesztern
Thf Namf Taleent (itzlian Wewtern Thfe Namfe Talnt (itzalian Thef Namef Talnet (itazlian Weswtern
Thr Namr Talsnt (itqlian Wedtern Thre Namre Talsent (itqalian Ther Namer Talesnt (itaqlian Wesdtern
Th4 Nam4 Tal3nt (itslian Weetern Th4e Nam4e Tal3ent (itsalian The4 Name4 Tale3nt (itaslian Wesetern
Thd Namd Talfnt (itwlian Wextern Thde Namde Talfent (itwalian Wexstern Thed Named Talefnt (itawlian Wesxtern
Thw Namw Talrnt (itxlian Weatern Thwe Namwe Talrent (itxalian Weastern Thew Namew Talernt (itaxlian Wesatern
Tal4nt (itallian Westtern Tal4ent (itaian Wesern

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