Turner Core
Mocbits (miscommunication Of Confusion Between The

I escaped from this world
To my tree
Where I grew up
So happily
Until the day you came by
Ruined my times
You took everything
Even Mr. Potato Head!

    Oh I feel,
    Oh I still,
    If looks could kill I'd be a mile away.

I can see you coming from
A mile away!
You look so good,
But I gotta say
That I won't come near,
Even with my eyes.
Because I know it'll be
One big surprise.

I'm one big miscommunicant.

Mirror lyrics:

I'm one big miscommunicant.

One big surprise.
Because I know it'll be
Even with my eyes.
That I won't come near,
But I gotta say
You look so good,
A mile away!
I can see you coming from

    If looks could kill I'd be a mile away.
    Oh I still,
    Oh I feel,

Even Mr. Potato Head!
You took everything
Ruined my times
Until the day you came by
So happily
Where I grew up
To my tree
I escaped from this world

Relevant Tags:
MMocbits ((miscommunication OOf CConfusion BBetween TThe ocbits miscommunication f onfusion etween he
oMcbits m(iscommunication fO oCnfusion eBtween hTe jocbits (mmiscommunication kf fonfusion vetween fhe
jMocbits (iscommunication kOf fConfusion vBetween fThe Mjocbits (imscommunication Okf Cfonfusion Bvetween Tfhe
kocbits (jiscommunication 9f xonfusion getween 5he kMocbits (jmiscommunication 9Of xConfusion gBetween 5The
Mkocbits (mjiscommunication O9f Cxonfusion Bgetween T5he nocbits (kiscommunication 0f vonfusion netween hhe
nMocbits (kmiscommunication 0Of vConfusion nBetween hThe Mnocbits (mkiscommunication O0f Cvonfusion Bnetween Thhe
Moocbits (niscommunication lf donfusion hetween yhe Mcbits (nmiscommunication lOf dConfusion hBetween yThe
Mcobits (mniscommunication Olf Cdonfusion Bhetween Tyhe Mkcbits (miiscommunication if Coonfusion Beetween 6he
(mscommunication iOf Cnfusion Btween 6The Mokcbits (msicommunication Oif Cnofusion Bteween T6he
M9cbits (mjscommunication Off Cknfusion Bstween ghe M9ocbits O Ckonfusion Bsetween gThe
Mo9cbits (mijscommunication Of Coknfusion Bestween Tghe M0cbits (m9scommunication Oc C9nfusion B3tween rhe
M0ocbits (m9iscommunication Ocf C9onfusion B3etween rThe Mo0cbits (mi9scommunication Ofc Co9nfusion Be3tween Trhe
Mlcbits (mlscommunication Or C0nfusion Bftween Mlocbits (mliscommunication Orf C0onfusion Bfetween Te
Molcbits (milscommunication Ofr Co0nfusion Beftween Teh Micbits (moscommunication Og Clnfusion Brtween Tje
Miocbits (moiscommunication Ogf Clonfusion Bretween Tjhe Moicbits (mioscommunication Ofg Colnfusion Bertween Thje
Moccbits (mkscommunication Ot Cinfusion B4tween Tue Mobits Otf Cionfusion B4etween Tuhe
Mobcits (mikscommunication Oft Coinfusion Be4tween Thue Mofbits (m8scommunication Ov Connfusion Bdtween Tne
Mofcbits (m8iscommunication Ovf Cofusion Bdetween Tnhe Mocfbits (mi8scommunication Ofv Cofnusion Bedtween Thne
Moxbits (muscommunication Od Comfusion Bwtween Tbe Moxcbits (muiscommunication Odf Comnfusion Bwetween Tbhe
Mocxbits (miuscommunication Ofd Conmfusion Bewtween Thbe Movbits (misscommunication Cohfusion Bettween Tge
Movcbits (micommunication Cohnfusion Beween Mocvbits (micsommunication Conhfusion Bewteen Thge
Modbits (mizcommunication Cojfusion Befween Tye Modcbits (mizscommunication Cojnfusion
Mocdbits (miszcommunication Conjfusion Betfween Thye Mocbbits (miwcommunication Cobfusion Be5ween Thee
Mocits (miwscommunication Cobnfusion Be5tween Th Mocibts (miswcommunication Conbfusion Bet5ween The
Mocvits (midcommunication Conffusion Behween Ths (midscommunication Conusion Behtween Thse
Mocbvits (misdcommunication Conufsion Bethween Thes Mocgits (miecommunication Concusion Beyween Th3
Mocgbits (miescommunication Concfusion Beytween Th3e Mocbgits (misecommunication Confcusion Betyween The3
Mocnits (mixcommunication Conrusion Be6ween Thf Mocnbits (mixscommunication Conrfusion Be6tween Thfe
Mocbnits (misxcommunication Confrusion Bet6ween Thef Mochits (miacommunication Congusion Begween Thr
Mochbits (miascommunication Congfusion Begtween Thre Mocbhits (misacommunication Confgusion Betgween Ther

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