The Heart Of Turisas

At the tables of the North
Man is used to blizzards and storms
Their arms are tempered by the work of their swords
Gallantness and faith fills their hearts

The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil of honour, with a hammer of blood
The four winds pounded

The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil of courage, with a hammer of sweat
The four winds pounded

Over vast steppes
Horsemen ride for day and night
With honour and glory in their minds
The Eastmen ride

Under the sun
The soldiers of the South sing their songs
Endless scorching deserts
Have trained these men

Take this sign into Your heart and be brave
Let it lead You to Your glory or Your grave

Hear Me, My warriors
Soldiers from all the edges of the world
Let us join Our forces
To an army, united

The four winds guide Us
The heart of Turisas leads Our way
Our drums echo: Forward march
Our horns cry for victory

Beyond the ocean
The warriors of the West bend their bows
In the name of the Eagle
These brave men fight

The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds
In a smithy high up in the skies
On an anvil of glory, with a hammer of tears
The four winds pounded

Mirror lyrics:

The four winds pounded
On an anvil of glory, with a hammer of tears
In a smithy high up in the skies
The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds

These brave men fight
In the name of the Eagle
The warriors of the West bend their bows
Beyond the ocean

Our horns cry for victory
Our drums echo: Forward march
The heart of Turisas leads Our way
The four winds guide Us

To an army, united
Let us join Our forces
Soldiers from all the edges of the world
Hear Me, My warriors

Let it lead You to Your glory or Your grave
Take this sign into Your heart and be brave

Have trained these men
Endless scorching deserts
The soldiers of the South sing their songs
Under the sun

The Eastmen ride
With honour and glory in their minds
Horsemen ride for day and night
Over vast steppes

The four winds pounded
On an anvil of courage, with a hammer of sweat
In a smithy high up in the skies
The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds

The four winds pounded
On an anvil of honour, with a hammer of blood
In a smithy high up in the skies
The heart of Turisas was forged by four winds

Gallantness and faith fills their hearts
Their arms are tempered by the work of their swords
Man is used to blizzards and storms
At the tables of the North

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHeart OOf TTurisas he eart f urisas hTe eHart fO uTrisas fhe jeart kf furisas fThe jHeart kOf fTurisas Tfhe Hjeart Okf Tfurisas
5he ueart 9f 5urisas 5The uHeart 9Of 5Turisas T5he Hueart O9f T5urisas hhe neart 0f hurisas hThe nHeart 0Of hTurisas Thhe Hneart O0f Thurisas
yhe beart lf yurisas yThe bHeart lOf yTurisas Tyhe Hbeart Olf Tyurisas 6he geart if 6urisas 6The gHeart iOf 6Turisas T6he Hgeart Oif T6urisas
ghe yeart Off gurisas gThe yHeart O gTurisas Tghe Hyeart Of Tgurisas rhe Heeart Oc rurisas rThe Hart Ocf rTurisas Trhe Haert Ofc Trurisas
Hsart Or Tuurisas Te Hseart Orf Trisas Teh Hesart Ofr Truisas Tje H3art Og Thrisas Tjhe H3eart Ogf Thje He3art Ofg Tuhrisas
Tue Hfart Ot T7risas Tuhe Hfeart Otf T7urisas Thue Hefart Oft Tu7risas Tne Hrart Ov Tkrisas Tnhe Hreart Ovf Tkurisas Thne Herart Ofv Tukrisas
Tbe H4art Od Tirisas Tbhe H4eart Odf Tiurisas Thbe He4art Ofd Tuirisas Tge Hdart T8risas Hdeart T8urisas Thge Hedart Tu8risas
Tye Hwart Tjrisas Hweart Tjurisas Thye Hewart Tujrisas Thee Heaart Tyrisas Th Hert The Herat Tuyrisas
Ths Hezrt Turrisas Thse Hezart Tuisas Thes Heazrt Tuirsas Th3 Heqrt Tudisas Th3e Heqart Tudrisas The3 Heaqrt Turdisas
Thf Hesrt Tu4isas Thfe Tu4risas Thef Heasrt Tur4isas Thr Hewrt Tugisas Thre Tugrisas Ther Heawrt Turgisas
Th4 Hexrt Tutisas Th4e Hexart Tutrisas The4 Heaxrt Turtisas Thd Hearrt Tu5isas Thde Heat Tu5risas Thed Heatr Tur5isas
Thw Headt Tufisas Thwe Headrt Tufrisas Thew Heardt Turfisas Hea4t Tueisas Hea4rt Tuerisas Hear4t Tureisas

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