Turin Brakes
Blue Hour

Oh let the sun be done
Let the air wash the city clean
Oh let the blue hour come
For everyone
For everyone the sun
We all need some

Pace of this place slow down
Suits throw your phones to the ground
With the blue in your lungs begun
For everyone
For everyone the sun
We all need some

Time to go fishing
Reels screaming
For all weary souls
The endless song
For everyone
For everyone this song
We all need one

Mirror lyrics:

We all need one
For everyone this song
For everyone
The endless song
For all weary souls
Reels screaming
Time to go fishing

We all need some
For everyone the sun
For everyone
With the blue in your lungs begun
Suits throw your phones to the ground
Pace of this place slow down

We all need some
For everyone the sun
For everyone
Oh let the blue hour come
Let the air wash the city clean
Oh let the sun be done

Relevant Tags:
BBlue HHour lue our lBue oHur vlue jour vBlue jHour Bvlue Hjour glue uour gBlue uHour Bglue Huour nlue nour nBlue nHour
Bnlue Hnour hlue bour hBlue bHour Bhlue Hbour Bllue gour Bue gHour Bule Hgour Bkue your Bklue yHour Blkue Hyour Boue Hoour
Bolue Hur Bloue Huor Bpue Hkur Bplue Hkour Blpue Hokur Bluue H9ur Ble H9our Bleu Ho9ur Blhe H0ur Blhue H0our Bluhe Ho0ur
Bl7e Hlur Bl7ue Hlour Blu7e Holur Blke Hiur Hiour Bluke Hoiur Blie Houur Bliue Hor Bluie Horu Bl8e Hohr

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