Turin Brakes
5 Mile (these Are The Days)

In the five mile high club
You are done for
Concentrate on landing
The town looks peaceful
Jet planes fly too close to the ground
It makes these houses shake
Flimsy figures fall to the ground
In a sentimental earthquake
Oh that's alright, that's alright
That's alright sad song tonight, oh...

These are the days that are driving me crazy
These are the days that are driving me insane
Everyday let your love shine down all around me
These are the days that are driving me crazy

When brothers and sisters fall to the ground
In half hast harmony
Lots of dreams for their wide eyes
But a small reality
Oh that's alright, that's alright
That's alright sad song tonight, oh...

These are the days that are driving me crazy
These are the days that are driving me insane

Take a train and then a jet plane
Travel back and forth in time
Pleased to meet you, what's your name?
I'm afraid I forgotten mine
Oh that's alright, that's alright
That's alright sad song tonight, oh...

These are the days that are driving me crazy
These are the days that are driving me insane
Everyday let your love shine down all around me
'Cos these are the days that are driving me crazy

These are the days - Let your love shine down on me
These are the days - Let your love shine down all around me

Mirror lyrics:

These are the days - Let your love shine down all around me
These are the days - Let your love shine down on me

'Cos these are the days that are driving me crazy
Everyday let your love shine down all around me
These are the days that are driving me insane
These are the days that are driving me crazy

That's alright sad song tonight, oh...
Oh that's alright, that's alright
I'm afraid I forgotten mine
Pleased to meet you, what's your name?
Travel back and forth in time
Take a train and then a jet plane

These are the days that are driving me insane
These are the days that are driving me crazy

That's alright sad song tonight, oh...
Oh that's alright, that's alright
But a small reality
Lots of dreams for their wide eyes
In half hast harmony
When brothers and sisters fall to the ground

These are the days that are driving me crazy
Everyday let your love shine down all around me
These are the days that are driving me insane
These are the days that are driving me crazy

That's alright sad song tonight, oh...
Oh that's alright, that's alright
In a sentimental earthquake
Flimsy figures fall to the ground
It makes these houses shake
Jet planes fly too close to the ground
The town looks peaceful
Concentrate on landing
You are done for
In the five mile high club

Relevant Tags:
55 MMile ((these AAre TThe DDays) ile these re he ays) 5 iMle t(hese rAe hTe aDys) 6 jile (tthese zre fhe xays) 65 jMile (hese zAre fThe xDays)
56 Mjile (htese Azre Tfhe Dxays) r kile (fhese qre 5he eays) r5 kMile (fthese qAre 5The eDays) 5r Mkile (tfhese Aqre T5he Deays) t nile (5hese sre hhe fays)
t5 nMile (5these sAre hThe fDays) 5t Mnile (t5hese Asre Thhe Dfays) 4 Miile (hhese wre yhe rays) 45 Mle (hthese wAre yThe rDays) 54 Mlie (thhese Awre Tyhe Drays)
Mjle (yhese xre 6he cays) (ythese xAre 6The cDays) Mijle (tyhese Axre T6he Dcays) M9le (6hese Arre ghe says) M9ile (6these Ae gThe sDays)
Mi9le (t6hese Aer Tghe Dsays) Mlle (ghese Ade rhe Daays) Mlile (gthese Adre rThe Dys) Mille (tghese Arde Trhe Dyas) Mole (rhese A4e Dzys)
Moile (rthese A4re Te Dzays) Miole (trhese Ar4e Teh Dazys) Mkle Age Tje Dqys) (tese Agre Tjhe Dqays) Mikle (tehse Arge Thje Daqys)
M8le (tjese Ate Tue Dsys) M8ile (tjhese Atre Tuhe Mi8le (thjese Arte Thue Dasys) Mule (tuese A5e Tne Dwys) Muile (tuhese A5re Tnhe Dways)
Miule (thuese Ar5e Thne Dawys) (tnese Afe Tbe Dxys) Mie (tnhese Afre Tbhe Miel (thnese Arfe Thbe Daxys) Mike (tbese Aee Tge Dayys)
(tbhese Aere Das) Milke (thbese Aree Thge Dasy) Mioe (tgese Tye Dags) Ar Dagys) Miloe (thgese Are Thye Daygs)
Mipe (tyese Ars Thee Dahs) Miple Arse Th Dahys) Milpe (thyese Ares The Dayhs) Milee (theese Ar3 Ths Da6s) Mil (thse Ar3e Thse Da6ys)
Mile (thsee Are3 Thes Day6s) Mils (thsse Arf Th3 Daus) Milse (thsese Th3e Dauys)

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