Too Sorry For Apologies
Breathing's For Rich Kids

Verse 1
take away my everything
i'll meet you on the edge of sanity and jump
take away my anything
i'll meet you on the edge of breathing and just stop
Pre chorus
Cause if you breathe out and i breathe in
we can laugh about the things we used to pretend
made us feel alive
well do you feel alive? yeah neither do I
we're only kidding ourselves
my heart only beats on days that end with week
We're only kidding ourselves
Verse 1
Pre chorus
I don't know if it's your lips
leaving mine or finding his
but something is making this air so hard to swallow
(breathe, breathe. come on, come on)

Mirror lyrics:

(breathe, breathe. come on, come on)
but something is making this air so hard to swallow
leaving mine or finding his
I don't know if it's your lips
Pre chorus
Verse 1
We're only kidding ourselves
my heart only beats on days that end with week
we're only kidding ourselves
well do you feel alive? yeah neither do I
made us feel alive
we can laugh about the things we used to pretend
Cause if you breathe out and i breathe in
Pre chorus
i'll meet you on the edge of breathing and just stop
take away my anything
i'll meet you on the edge of sanity and jump
take away my everything
Verse 1

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nBreathing's gFor gRich mKids Bnreathing's Fgor Rgich Kmids hreathing's tor tich jids hBreathing's tFor tRich jKids Bhreathing's Ftor Rtich Kjids
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