Twilight Singers, The
Black Is The Color Of My True Love's Hair

Black is the colour of my true love's hair
Her face so soft and wonderous fair
The purest eyes and the strongest hands
I love the ground on where she stands
I love the ground on where, on where she stands

Oh, I love my lover, and well she knows
Yes, I love the ground on where she goes
And still I hope that the time will come
When she and I will be, will be as one
When she and I will be, will be as one
to be oh (?)

So black is the colour of my true love's hair
Her face so soft and wonderous fair
The purest eyes and the strongest hands
I love the ground on where she stands
I love the ground on where, on where she stands

I love the ground on where, on where she stands

Mirror lyrics:

I love the ground on where, on where she stands

I love the ground on where, on where she stands
I love the ground on where she stands
The purest eyes and the strongest hands
Her face so soft and wonderous fair
So black is the colour of my true love's hair

to be oh (?)
When she and I will be, will be as one
When she and I will be, will be as one
And still I hope that the time will come
Yes, I love the ground on where she goes
Oh, I love my lover, and well she knows

I love the ground on where, on where she stands
I love the ground on where she stands
The purest eyes and the strongest hands
Her face so soft and wonderous fair
Black is the colour of my true love's hair

Relevant Tags:
BBlack IIs TThe CColor OOf MMy TTrue LLove's HHair lack s he olor f y rue ove's air lBack sI hTe oClor fO yM rTue oLve's aHir
vlack js fhe folor kf jy frue kove's jair vBlack jIs fThe fColor kOf jMy fTrue kLove's jHair Bvlack Ijs Tfhe Cfolor Okf Mjy Tfrue Lkove's Hjair
glack 9s 5he xolor 9f ky 5rue oove's uair gBlack 9Is 5The xColor 9Of kMy 5True oLove's uHair Bglack I9s T5he Cxolor O9f Mky T5rue Loove's Huair
nlack ls hhe volor 0f ny hrue pove's nair nBlack lIs hThe vColor 0Of nMy hTrue pLove's nHair Bnlack Ils Thhe Cvolor O0f Mny Thrue Lpove's Hnair
hlack os yhe dolor lf Myy yrue bair hBlack oIs yThe dColor lOf M yTrue Lve's bHair Bhlack Ios Tyhe Cdolor Olf My Tyrue Lvoe's Hbair
Bllack ks 6he Coolor if Mg 6rue Lkve's gair Back kIs 6The Clor iOf Mgy 6True gHair Balck Iks T6he Cloor Oif Myg T6rue Lokve's Hgair
Bkack 8s ghe Cklor Off Mh grue L9ve's yair Bklack 8Is gThe Ckolor O Mhy gTrue L9ove's yHair Blkack I8s Tghe Coklor Of Myh Tgrue Lo9ve's Hyair
Boack us rhe C9lor Oc M6 rrue L0ve's Haair Bolack uIs rThe C9olor Ocf M6y rTrue L0ove's Hir Bloack Ius Trhe Co9lor Ofc My6 Trrue Lo0ve's Hiar
Bpack Iss C0lor Or Mu Llve's Hzir Bplack I Te C0olor Orf Muy Tue Llove's Hzair Blpack Is Teh Co0lor Ofr Myu Ture Lolve's Hazir
Blaack Iz Tje Cllor Og M7 Tdue Live's Hqir Blck Izs Tjhe Clolor Ogf M7y Tdrue Liove's Hqair Blcak Isz Thje Collor Ofg My7 Trdue Loive's Haqir
Blzck Iw Tue Cilor Ot Mj T4ue Lovve's Hsir Blzack Iws Tuhe Ciolor Otf T4rue Loe's Hsair Blazck Isw Thue Coilor Oft Myj Tr4ue Loev's Hasir
Blqck Id Tne Ov Mt Tgue Lobe's Hwir Blqack Ids Tnhe Coor Ovf Mty Lobve's Hwair Blaqck Isd Thne Coolr Ofv Myt Trgue Lovbe's Hawir
Blsck Ie Tbe Cokor Od Ttue Loce's Hxir Blsack Ies Tbhe Odf Ttrue Locve's Hxair Blasck Ise Thbe Colkor Ofd Trtue Lovce's Haxir
Blwck Ix Tge Cooor T5ue Loge's Haiir Blwack Ixs Logve's Har Blawck Isx Thge Coloor Tr5ue Lovge's Hari
Blxck Ia Tye Copor Tfue Lofe's Hajr Blxack Ias Coplor Lofve's Hajir Blaxck Isa Thye Colpor Trfue Lovfe's Haijr
Blacck Thee Teue Lovee's Ha9r

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