Twila Paris
Glory And Honor

We are the servants of the only King
He is worthy
Given dominion over everything
He is worthy
We will declare it with one voice
We will stand up and make a holy noise
And make a holy noise

Glory and honor
Glory and power
Glory and honor unto the Lamb
Glory and honor
Glory forever
Glory and honor unto the Lamb

We offer Him a sacrificial praise
He is worthy
No one among us is above His grace
He is worthy
We will declare it with one voice
He has become the reason we rejoice
The reason we rejoice


Glory, honor and power
Be to the Lamb of God forever and ever
Glory, honor and power
Be to the Lamb forever

The Son of Heaven who would die for us
He is worthy
Eternal Word of God alive in us
He is worthy
We will declare it with one voice
We will declare that we have made our choice
And make a holy noise

chorus (2x)

Mirror lyrics:

chorus (2x)

And make a holy noise
We will declare that we have made our choice
We will declare it with one voice
He is worthy
Eternal Word of God alive in us
He is worthy
The Son of Heaven who would die for us

Be to the Lamb forever
Glory, honor and power
Be to the Lamb of God forever and ever
Glory, honor and power


The reason we rejoice
He has become the reason we rejoice
We will declare it with one voice
He is worthy
No one among us is above His grace
He is worthy
We offer Him a sacrificial praise

Glory and honor unto the Lamb
Glory forever
Glory and honor
Glory and honor unto the Lamb
Glory and power
Glory and honor

And make a holy noise
We will stand up and make a holy noise
We will declare it with one voice
He is worthy
Given dominion over everything
He is worthy
We are the servants of the only King

Relevant Tags:
GGlory AAnd HHonor lory nd onor lGory nAd oHnor hlory znd jonor hGlory zAnd jHonor Ghlory Aznd Hjonor ylory qnd uonor
yGlory qAnd uHonor Gylory Aqnd Huonor blory snd nonor bGlory sAnd nHonor Gblory Asnd Hnonor vlory wnd bonor vGlory wAnd bHonor
Gvlory Awnd Hbonor flory xnd gonor fGlory xAnd gHonor Gflory Axnd Hgonor tlory Annd yonor tGlory Ad yHonor Gtlory Adn Hyonor
Gllory Amd Hoonor Gory Amnd Hnor Golry Anmd Hnoor Gkory Ahd Hknor Gklory Ahnd Hkonor Glkory Anhd Hoknor Goory Ajd H9nor
Golory Ajnd H9onor Gloory Anjd Ho9nor Gpory Abd H0nor Gplory Abnd H0onor Glpory Anbd Ho0nor Andd Hlnor Glry An Hlonor
Glroy And Holnor Glkry Anx Hinor Anxd Hionor Glokry Andx Hoinor Gl9ry Ane Honnor Gl9ory Aned Hoor Glo9ry Ande Hoonr
Gl0ry Anf Homor Gl0ory Anfd Homnor Glo0ry Andf Honmor Gllry Anr Hohor Anrd Hohnor Glolry Andr Honhor

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