Van Diemen's Land

Hold me now, oh hold me now
'til this hour has gone around
And I'm gone on the rising tide
For to face Van Diemen's land

It's a bitter pill I swallow here
To be rent from one so dear
We fought for justice and not for gain
But the magistrate sent me away

Now kings will rule and th poor will toil
And tear their hands as they tear the soil
But a day will come in this dawning age
When an honest man sees an honest wage

Hold me now, oh hold me now
'til this hour has gone around
And I'm gone on the rising tide
For to face Van Diemen's land

Mirror lyrics:

For to face Van Diemen's land
And I'm gone on the rising tide
'til this hour has gone around
Hold me now, oh hold me now

When an honest man sees an honest wage
But a day will come in this dawning age
And tear their hands as they tear the soil
Now kings will rule and th poor will toil

But the magistrate sent me away
We fought for justice and not for gain
To be rent from one so dear
It's a bitter pill I swallow here

For to face Van Diemen's land
And I'm gone on the rising tide
'til this hour has gone around
Hold me now, oh hold me now

Relevant Tags:
VVan DDiemen's LLand an iemen's and aVn iDemen's aLnd ban xiemen's kand bVan xDiemen's kLand Vban Dxiemen's Lkand
can eiemen's oand cVan eDiemen's oLand Vcan Deiemen's Loand gan fiemen's pand gVan fDiemen's pLand Vgan Dfiemen's Lpand
fan riemen's Laand fVan rDiemen's Lnd Vfan Driemen's Lnad Vaan ciemen's Lznd Vn cDiemen's Lzand Vna Dciemen's Laznd
Vzn siemen's Lqnd Vzan sDiemen's Lqand Vazn Dsiemen's Laqnd Vqn Diiemen's Lsnd Vqan Demen's Lsand Vaqn Deimen's Lasnd
Vsn Djemen's Lwnd Vsan Djiemen's Lwand Vasn Dijemen's Lawnd Vwn D9emen's Lxnd Vwan D9iemen's Lxand Vawn Di9emen's Laxnd
Vxn Dlemen's Lannd Vxan Dliemen's Lad Vaxn Dilemen's Ladn Vann Doemen's Lamd Va Doiemen's Lamnd Van Dioemen's Lanmd
Vam Dkemen's Lahd Vamn Dkiemen's Lahnd Vanm Dikemen's Lanhd Vah D8emen's Lajd Vahn D8iemen's Lajnd Vanh Di8emen's Lanjd
Vaj Duemen's Labd Vajn Duiemen's Labnd Vanj Diuemen's Lanbd Vab Dieemen's Landd Vabn Dimen's Lan Vanb Dimeen's Land
Dismen's Lanx Disemen's Lanxd Diesmen's Landx Di3men's Lane Di3emen's Laned Die3men's Lande
Difmen's Lanf Difemen's Lanfd Diefmen's Landf Dirmen's Lanr Diremen's Lanrd Diermen's Landr
Di4men's Lanc Di4emen's Lancd Die4men's Landc Didmen's Lans Didemen's Lansd Diedmen's Lands
Diwmen's Diwemen's Diewmen's Diemmen's Dieen's Dieemn's

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