New York

In New York freedom looks like too many choices
In New York I found a friend to drown out the other voices
Voices on the cell phone
Voices from home
Voices of the hard sell
Voices down the stairwell
In New York, just got a place in New York

In New York summers get hot well into the hundreds
You can walk around the block without a change of clothing
Hot as a hair dryer in your face
Hot as handbag and a can of mace
New York, I just got a place in New York
New York, New York

In New York you can forget, forget how to sit still
Tell yourself you will stay in
But it's down to Alphaville

New York, New York, New York
New York, New York, New York

The Irish have been coming here for years
Feel like they own the place
They got the airport, city hall, concrete, asphalt, they even got the police
Irish, Italians, Jews and Hispanics
Religious nuts, political fanatics in the stew
Living happily not like me and you
That's where I lost you...New York

New York, New York
New York, New York

In New York I lost it all to you and your vices
Still I'm staying on to figure out my mid life crisis
I hit an iceberg in my life
But you know I'm still afloat
You lose your balance, lose your wife
In the queue for the lifeboat

You got to put the women and children first
But you've got an unquenchable thirst for New York

New York, New York
New York, New York

In the stillness of the evening
When the sun has had its day
I heard your voice a-whispering
Come away child

New York, New York

Mirror lyrics:

New York, New York

Come away child
I heard your voice a-whispering
When the sun has had its day
In the stillness of the evening

New York, New York
New York, New York

But you've got an unquenchable thirst for New York
You got to put the women and children first

In the queue for the lifeboat
You lose your balance, lose your wife
But you know I'm still afloat
I hit an iceberg in my life
Still I'm staying on to figure out my mid life crisis
In New York I lost it all to you and your vices

New York, New York
New York, New York

That's where I lost you...New York
Living happily not like me and you
Religious nuts, political fanatics in the stew
Irish, Italians, Jews and Hispanics
They got the airport, city hall, concrete, asphalt, they even got the police
Feel like they own the place
The Irish have been coming here for years

New York, New York, New York
New York, New York, New York

But it's down to Alphaville
Tell yourself you will stay in
In New York you can forget, forget how to sit still

New York, New York
New York, I just got a place in New York
Hot as handbag and a can of mace
Hot as a hair dryer in your face
You can walk around the block without a change of clothing
In New York summers get hot well into the hundreds

In New York, just got a place in New York
Voices down the stairwell
Voices of the hard sell
Voices from home
Voices on the cell phone
In New York I found a friend to drown out the other voices
In New York freedom looks like too many choices

Relevant Tags:
NNew YYork ew ork eNw oYrk mew gork mNew gYork Nmew Ygork hew hork hNew hYork Nhew Yhork jew 6ork jNew 6York
Njew Y6ork bew uork bNew uYork Nbew Yuork Neew 7ork Nw 7York Nwe Y7ork Nsw jork Nsew jYork Nesw Yjork N3w tork
N3ew tYork Ne3w Ytork Nfw Yoork Nfew Yrk Nefw Yrok Nrw Ykrk Nrew Ykork Nerw Yokrk N4w Y9rk N4ew Y9ork Ne4w Yo9rk
Ndw Y0rk Ndew Y0ork Nedw Yo0rk Nww Ylrk Nwew Ylork Neww Yolrk Yirk Ne Yiork New Yoirk

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