Miss Sarajevo

Is there a time for keeping your distance?
A time to turn your eyes away?
Is there a time for keeping your head down?
For getting on with your day?

Is there a time for Kohl and lipstick?
A time for cutting hair?
Is there a time for high street shopping
To find the right dress to wear?

Here she comes
Heads turn around
Here she comes
To take her crown

Is there a time to run for cover?
A time for kiss and tell?
Is there a time for different colors?
Different names you find it hard to spell

Is there a time for first communion?
A time for east 17?
Is there a time to turn to mecca?
Is there time to be a beauty queen?

Here she comes
Beauty plays the clown
Here she comes
Surreal in her crown

Dici che il fiume
Trova la via al mare
E come il fiume
Giungerai a me

Oltre i confini
E le terre assetate
Dici che come fiume
Come fiume

L'amore giungera
E non so piu pregare
E nell'amore non so piu sperare
E quell'amore non so piu aspettare

Is there a time for tying ribbons?
A time for Christmas trees?
Is there a time for laying tables?
And the night is set to freeze?

Mirror lyrics:

And the night is set to freeze?
Is there a time for laying tables?
A time for Christmas trees?
Is there a time for tying ribbons?

E quell'amore non so piu aspettare
E nell'amore non so piu sperare
E non so piu pregare
L'amore giungera

Come fiume
Dici che come fiume
E le terre assetate
Oltre i confini

Giungerai a me
E come il fiume
Trova la via al mare
Dici che il fiume

Surreal in her crown
Here she comes
Beauty plays the clown
Here she comes

Is there time to be a beauty queen?
Is there a time to turn to mecca?
A time for east 17?
Is there a time for first communion?

Different names you find it hard to spell
Is there a time for different colors?
A time for kiss and tell?
Is there a time to run for cover?

To take her crown
Here she comes
Heads turn around
Here she comes

To find the right dress to wear?
Is there a time for high street shopping
A time for cutting hair?
Is there a time for Kohl and lipstick?

For getting on with your day?
Is there a time for keeping your head down?
A time to turn your eyes away?
Is there a time for keeping your distance?

Relevant Tags:
MMiss SSarajevo iss arajevo iMss aSrajevo jiss zarajevo jMiss zSarajevo Mjiss Szarajevo kiss warajevo kMiss wSarajevo Mkiss Swarajevo
niss darajevo nMiss dSarajevo Mniss Sdarajevo Miiss earajevo Mss eSarajevo Msis Searajevo Mjss xarajevo xSarajevo Mijss Sxarajevo
M9ss aarajevo M9iss aSarajevo Mi9ss Saarajevo Mlss Mliss Srajevo Milss Sraajevo Moss Szrajevo Moiss Mioss Sazrajevo
Mkss Sqrajevo Sqarajevo Mikss Saqrajevo M8ss Ssrajevo M8iss Ssarajevo Mi8ss Sasrajevo Muss Swrajevo Muiss Miuss Sawrajevo
Misss Sxrajevo Mis Miss Saxrajevo Mizs Sarrajevo Mizss Saajevo Miszs Saarjevo Miws Sadajevo Miwss Sadrajevo Misws Sardajevo
Mids Sa4ajevo Midss Sa4rajevo Misds Sar4ajevo Mies Sagajevo Miess Sagrajevo Mises Sargajevo Mixs Satajevo Mixss Satrajevo Misxs Sartajevo
Mias Sa5ajevo Miass Sa5rajevo Misas Sar5ajevo Safajevo Safrajevo Sarfajevo Misz Saeajevo Saerajevo Missz Sareajevo
Misw Saraajevo Sarjevo Missw Sarjaevo Misd Sarzjevo Sarzajevo Missd Sarazjevo Mise Sarqjevo Sarqajevo Misse Saraqjevo
Misx Sarsjevo Sarsajevo Missx Sarasjevo Misa Sarwjevo Sarwajevo

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