Trews, The
I Can't Stop Laughing

here's something funny
gone is the one i love
i've got some money
i'm hitting piper's pub
tonight i'll drink until
the sun come's up
cause i don't care no more
i'm going to fill my cup
life isn't fair for sure it's clear
i've had enough
i can't stop laughing
i'm not even happy
she said she's had it.
that she was movin out
it hit me so hard,
i'm tryin to drown it out
tonight's the night
i'll dance like no one's watching
and i'll sing a song like nobody
is listening
cause i'm just that drunk and
heartaches blurred my vision
ain't it fun?
i can't stop laughing,
i'm not even happy
where will i go now
the life i knew is gone
someway and somehow
we all keep moving
on and on and on and on
tonight, tonight c'mon and
set me free from yesterday
and all it's haunted memories
but now it's closing time
and i don't wanna leave
i can't stop laughing,
i'm not even happy

Mirror lyrics:

i'm not even happy
i can't stop laughing,
and i don't wanna leave
but now it's closing time
and all it's haunted memories
set me free from yesterday
tonight, tonight c'mon and
on and on and on and on
we all keep moving
someway and somehow
the life i knew is gone
where will i go now
i'm not even happy
i can't stop laughing,
ain't it fun?
heartaches blurred my vision
cause i'm just that drunk and
is listening
and i'll sing a song like nobody
i'll dance like no one's watching
tonight's the night
i'm tryin to drown it out
it hit me so hard,
that she was movin out
she said she's had it.
i'm not even happy
i can't stop laughing
i've had enough
life isn't fair for sure it's clear
i'm going to fill my cup
cause i don't care no more
the sun come's up
tonight i'll drink until
i'm hitting piper's pub
i've got some money
gone is the one i love
here's something funny

Relevant Tags:
II CCan't SStop LLaughing an't top aughing I aCn't tSop aLughing j fan't ztop kaughing jI fCan't zStop kLaughing Ij Cfan't Sztop Lkaughing
9 xan't wtop oaughing 9I xCan't wStop oLaughing I9 Cxan't Swtop Loaughing l van't dtop paughing lI vCan't dStop pLaughing Il Cvan't Sdtop Lpaughing
o dan't etop Laaughing oI dCan't eStop Lughing Io Cdan't Setop Luaghing k Caan't xtop Lzughing kI Cn't xStop Lzaughing Ik Cna't Sxtop Lazughing
8 Czn't atop Lqughing 8I Czan't aStop Lqaughing I8 Cazn't Satop Laqughing u Cqn't Sttop Lsughing uI Cqan't Sop Lsaughing Iu Caqn't Sotp Lasughing
Csn't Sfop Lwughing Csan't Sftop Lwaughing Casn't Stfop Lawughing Cwn't S5op Lxughing Cwan't S5top Lxaughing Cawn't St5op Laxughing
Cxn't Shop Lauughing Shtop Laghing Caxn't Sthop Laguhing Cann't Syop Lahghing Ca't Sytop Lahughing Ca'nt Styop Lauhghing
Cam't S6op La7ghing Camn't S6top La7ughing Canm't St6op Lau7ghing Cah't Sgop Lakghing Cahn't Sgtop Lakughing Canh't Stgop Laukghing
Caj't Srop Laighing Cajn't Srtop Laiughing Canj't Strop Lauighing Cab't Stoop La8ghing Cabn't Stp La8ughing Canb't Stpo Lau8ghing
Can''t Stkp Lajghing Cant Stkop Lajughing Cant' Stokp Laujghing Can'tt St9p Layghing Can' St9op Layughing Can't Sto9p Lauyghing
Can'f St0p Laugghing Can'ft St0op Lauhing Can'tf Sto0p Lauhging Can'5 Stlp Lauhhing Can'5t Stlop Can't5 Stolp Laughhing
Can'h Stip Lauyhing Can'ht Stiop Can'th Stoip Laugyhing Can'y Stopp Laubhing Can'yt Sto Laubghing Can'ty Stop Laugbhing
Can'6 Sto0 Lauvhing Can'6t Lauvghing Can't6 Stop0 Laugvhing Can'g Stol Laufhing Can'gt Laufghing Can'tg Stopl Laugfhing
Can'r Stoo Lauthing

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