Trent Monk
Find My Rest

I am so tired
Tears fall like rain
Today has quenched my fire
Worries eating up my brain
But I hold tight
To the last of me
Because I know in You
I'm gonna find my rest


You are the way
The Truth the Life
And I'm gonna find my rest in You (Find my rest in You)
There's nothing left to say
I've made up my mind
I'm gonna find my rest in You (Find my rest in You)
Find my rest in You

Miles the storm
You've taken me
Wrapped in all my imperfections
You gave everything
You're never far away
Your love is so strong
You're watching over me

So I lay me down
On holy ground (yeah)
And I give You my best
Lord I know in You
I'm gonna find my rest


Mirror lyrics:


I'm gonna find my rest
Lord I know in You
And I give You my best
On holy ground (yeah)
So I lay me down

You're watching over me
Your love is so strong
You're never far away
You gave everything
Wrapped in all my imperfections
You've taken me
Miles the storm

Find my rest in You
I'm gonna find my rest in You (Find my rest in You)
I've made up my mind
There's nothing left to say
And I'm gonna find my rest in You (Find my rest in You)
The Truth the Life
You are the way


I'm gonna find my rest
Because I know in You
To the last of me
But I hold tight
Worries eating up my brain
Today has quenched my fire
Tears fall like rain
I am so tired

Relevant Tags:
FFind MMy RRest ind y est iFnd yM eRst cind jy dest cFind jMy dRest Fcind Mjy Rdest rind ky 4est rFind kMy 4Rest Frind Mky R4est
gind ny gest gFind nMy gRest Fgind Mny Rgest tind Myy test tFind M tRest Ftind My Rtest vind Mg 5est vFind Mgy 5Rest Fvind Myg R5est
dind Mh fest dFind Mhy fRest Fdind Myh Rfest Fiind M6 eest Fnd M6y eRest Fnid My6 Reest Fjnd Mu Fjind Muy Rst Fijnd Myu Rset
F9nd M7 Rsst F9ind M7y Rsest Fi9nd My7 Resst Flnd Mj R3st Flind R3est Filnd Myj Re3st Fond Mt Rfst Foind Mty Fiond Myt Refst
Fknd Rrst Fkind Rrest Fiknd Rerst F8nd R4st F8ind Fi8nd Re4st Fund Rdst

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