I Believe (love Is The Greatest Revenge)

I believe
This mess you made
I believe
The debt was left unpaid
Trade my cradle for a grave
And left me with nothing

I believe in you I do I do
I do believe in you
Even if you're not around
You're still in my life
I believe in you I do I do
I do believe in you
Even if you're not around
You're still in my life

I believe
You're worth your weight
I believe
You're not the same
As when you breathed fire in our den
This is now and that was then

I believe in you I do I do
I do believe in you
Even if you're not around
You're still in my life
I believe in you I do I do
I do believe in you
Even if you're not around
You're still in my life tonight

Though I cannot forget what you did to me
No one prospers in this guilt economy
Love is the greatest revenge that we all need
Love is the greatest revenge that we all need

I believe in you I do I do
I do believe in you
Even if you're not around
You're still in my life
I believe in you I do I do
I do believe in you
Even if you're not around
You're still in my life

Love is revenge
Love is revenge

Even if you're not around
You're still in my life tonight

Mirror lyrics:

You're still in my life tonight
Even if you're not around

Love is revenge
Love is revenge

You're still in my life
Even if you're not around
I do believe in you
I believe in you I do I do
You're still in my life
Even if you're not around
I do believe in you
I believe in you I do I do

Love is the greatest revenge that we all need
Love is the greatest revenge that we all need
No one prospers in this guilt economy
Though I cannot forget what you did to me

You're still in my life tonight
Even if you're not around
I do believe in you
I believe in you I do I do
You're still in my life
Even if you're not around
I do believe in you
I believe in you I do I do

This is now and that was then
As when you breathed fire in our den
You're not the same
I believe
You're worth your weight
I believe

You're still in my life
Even if you're not around
I do believe in you
I believe in you I do I do
You're still in my life
Even if you're not around
I do believe in you
I believe in you I do I do

And left me with nothing
Trade my cradle for a grave
The debt was left unpaid
I believe
This mess you made
I believe

Relevant Tags:
II BBelieve ((love IIs TThe GGreatest RRevenge) elieve love s he reatest evenge) I eBlieve l(ove sI hTe rGeatest eRvenge)
j velieve (llove js fhe hreatest devenge) jI vBelieve (ove jIs fThe hGreatest dRevenge) Ij Bvelieve (olve Ijs Tfhe Ghreatest Rdevenge)
9 gelieve (kove 9s 5he yreatest 4evenge) 9I gBelieve (klove 9Is 5The yGreatest 4Revenge) I9 Bgelieve (lkove I9s T5he Gyreatest R4evenge)
l nelieve (oove ls hhe breatest gevenge) lI nBelieve (olove lIs hThe bGreatest gRevenge) Il Bnelieve (loove Ils Thhe Gbreatest Rgevenge)
o helieve (pove os yhe vreatest tevenge) oI hBelieve (plove oIs yThe vGreatest tRevenge) Io Bhelieve (lpove Ios Tyhe Gvreatest Rtevenge)
k Beelieve ks 6he freatest 5evenge) kI Blieve (lve kIs 6The fGreatest 5Revenge) Ik Bleieve (lvoe Iks T6he Gfreatest R5evenge)
8 Bslieve (lkve 8s ghe treatest fevenge) 8I Bselieve 8Is gThe tGreatest fRevenge) I8 Beslieve (lokve I8s Tghe Gtreatest Rfevenge)
u B3lieve (l9ve us rhe Grreatest eevenge) uI B3elieve (l9ove uIs rThe Geatest eRevenge) Iu Be3lieve (lo9ve Ius Trhe Geratest Reevenge)
Bflieve (l0ve Iss Gdeatest Bfelieve (l0ove I Te Gdreatest Rvenge) Beflieve (lo0ve Is Teh Grdeatest Rveenge)
Brlieve (llve Iz Tje G4eatest Rsvenge) Brelieve Izs Tjhe G4reatest Rsevenge) Berlieve (lolve Isz Thje Gr4eatest Resvenge)
B4lieve (live Iw Tue Ggeatest R3venge) B4elieve (liove Iws Tuhe Ggreatest R3evenge) Be4lieve (loive Isw Thue Grgeatest Re3venge)
Bdlieve (lovve Id Tne Gteatest Rfvenge) Bdelieve (loe Ids Tnhe Bedlieve (loev Isd Thne Grteatest Refvenge)
Bwlieve (lobe Ie Tbe G5eatest Rrvenge) Bwelieve (lobve Ies Tbhe G5reatest Rrevenge) Bewlieve (lovbe Ise Thbe Gr5eatest Rervenge)
Bellieve (loce Ix Tge Gfeatest R4venge) Beieve (locve Ixs Beileve (lovce Isx Thge Grfeatest Re4venge)
Bekieve (loge Ia Tye Geeatest Rdvenge) Beklieve (logve Ias Gereatest Belkieve (lovge Isa Thye Greeatest Redvenge)
Beoieve (lofe Thee Rwvenge) Beolieve (lofve Th Gratest Rwevenge) Beloieve (lovfe The Graetest Rewvenge)
Bepieve (lovee Ths Grsatest Revvenge) Beplieve (lov Thse Grseatest Reenge) Belpieve (love Thes Gresatest Reevnge)
Beliieve (lovs Th3 Gr3atest Rebenge) Beleve (lovse Th3e Gr3eatest Rebvenge) Beleive (loves The3 Gre3atest Revbenge)
Beljeve (lov3 Thf Grfatest Recenge) Beljieve (lov3e Thfe Recvenge) Belijeve (love3 Thef Grefatest Revcenge)
Bel9eve (lovf Thr Grratest Regenge) Bel9ieve Thre Regvenge) Beli9eve (lovef Ther Greratest Revgenge)
Belleve (lovr Th4 Gr4atest Refenge) (lovre Th4e Belileve (lover The4 Gre4atest Revfenge)
Beloeve (lov4 Thd Grdatest Reveenge) (lov4e Thde Revnge) Belioeve (love4 Thed Gredatest Revnege)
Belkeve (lovd Thw Grwatest Revsnge) (lovde Thwe Grweatest Revsenge) Belikeve (loved Thew Grewatest Revesnge)
Bel8eve (lovw Greaatest Rev3nge) Bel8ieve (lovwe Gretest Rev3enge) Beli8eve (lovew Gretaest Reve3nge)
Belueve Greztest Revfnge) Beluieve Grezatest Beliueve Greaztest Revefnge)
Belieeve Greqtest Revrnge) Belive Greqatest Revrenge) Belivee Greaqtest Revernge)
Belisve Grestest Rev4nge) Beliseve Rev4enge) Beliesve Greastest Reve4nge)
Beli3ve Grewtest Revdnge) Beli3eve Revdenge)

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