Wake Up

Go to sleep and dream of me
I'm the one who set you free
Close your eyes and you will see
Open up and trust me

You don't have to be like everyone
You were made to walk out in the sun

Walk with me, I'm your shelter
Take my hand and walk with me
If you fall I will carry you
Lose yourself and walk with me

All the dreams that made you sad
And all the nightmares that you had
All your life you were asleep
I wake you up to walk with me

You don't have to search for something true
I am standing right in front of you

Walk with me…

Time to wake up, it's time to wake up
Time to wake up, it's time to wake up

Mirror lyrics:

Time to wake up, it's time to wake up
Time to wake up, it's time to wake up

Walk with me…

I am standing right in front of you
You don't have to search for something true

I wake you up to walk with me
All your life you were asleep
And all the nightmares that you had
All the dreams that made you sad

Lose yourself and walk with me
If you fall I will carry you
Take my hand and walk with me
Walk with me, I'm your shelter

You were made to walk out in the sun
You don't have to be like everyone

Open up and trust me
Close your eyes and you will see
I'm the one who set you free
Go to sleep and dream of me

Relevant Tags:
WWake UUp ake p aWke pU aake hp aWake hUp Waake Uhp 3ake 7p 3Wake 7Up W3ake U7p dake kp dWake kUp
Wdake Ukp eake ip eWake iUp Weake Uip sake 8p sWake 8Up Wsake U8p 2ake jp 2Wake jUp W2ake Ujp qake yp
qWake yUp Wqake Uyp Upp Wke U Wkae Up Wzke U0 Wzake U0p Wazke Up0 Wqke Ul Ulp Waqke Upl
Wske Uo Uop Waske Upo Wwke Wwake Wawke Wxke Wxake

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