How Did I Sleep

With eyes so blind
How did I see a single thing?
I missed the scenery
Change in front of me

And as for these hands
Well they've got a lot to answer for
They built me a house of sand
On someone else's land

Deep down I knew I was lost
But I kept my fingers crossed
As if that would somehow rescue me

How did I sleep?
How did I sleep?
How did I sleep without You?
Without You

Tired all the time
But there is no rest for the wicked
Under the covers I pretended not to cry

And there You were:
Magnified by the tears
Reaching Your hands to me
Waiting patiently

I never dared to dream
Of the morning my eyes have seen
Awake for the first time: rise and shine

Chorus x3

How did I ever try?
How did I sleep?

Rise and Shine; awake for the first time

Mirror lyrics:

Rise and Shine; awake for the first time

How did I sleep?
How did I ever try?

Chorus x3

Awake for the first time: rise and shine
Of the morning my eyes have seen
I never dared to dream

Waiting patiently
Reaching Your hands to me
Magnified by the tears
And there You were:

Under the covers I pretended not to cry
But there is no rest for the wicked
Tired all the time

Without You
How did I sleep without You?
How did I sleep?
How did I sleep?

As if that would somehow rescue me
But I kept my fingers crossed
Deep down I knew I was lost

On someone else's land
They built me a house of sand
Well they've got a lot to answer for
And as for these hands

Change in front of me
I missed the scenery
How did I see a single thing?
With eyes so blind

Relevant Tags:
HHow DDid II SSleep ow id leep oHw iDd I lSeep jow xid j zleep jHow xDid jI zSleep Hjow Dxid Ij Szleep uow eid 9 wleep
uHow eDid 9I wSleep Huow Deid I9 Swleep now fid l dleep nHow fDid lI dSleep Hnow Dfid Il Sdleep bow rid o eleep bHow rDid oI eSleep
Hbow Drid Io Seleep gow cid k xleep gHow cDid kI xSleep Hgow Dcid Ik Sxleep yow sid 8 aleep yHow sDid 8I aSleep Hyow Dsid I8 Saleep
Hoow Diid u Slleep Hw Dd uI Seep Hwo Ddi Iu Selep Hkw Djd Skeep Hkow Djid Skleep Hokw Dijd Slkeep H9w D9d Soeep
H9ow D9id Soleep Ho9w Di9d Sloeep H0w Dld Speep H0ow Dlid Spleep Ho0w Dild Slpeep Hlw Dod Sleeep Hlow Doid Slep
Holw Diod Sleep Hiw Dkd Slsep Hiow Dkid Slseep Hoiw Dikd Slesep Howw D8d Sl3ep Ho D8id Sl3eep How Di8d Sle3ep

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