I Stand For You

Jesus, I stand for You
No matter what You lead me through
They will chase me out
And close me down
But Jesus I'll stand for You

I'll always stand
I'll always stand
I'll always stand for You (x2)

Jesus, I've stood my ground
When unbelief was all around
And I have felt the sting
Rejection brings
But Jesus I still stand for You

I'll always stand
I'll always stand
I'll always stand for You (x2)

A time will come
When everyone
Will turn their eyes
On the Risen Son
But until that day, this world will turn away
And so I'll take Your hand
I'll always stand for You

Guilty of disgrace
But You took my place
So Jesus, I'll always stand for You

I'll always stand
I'll always stand
I'll always stand for You (x2)

Mirror lyrics:

I'll always stand for You (x2)
I'll always stand
I'll always stand

So Jesus, I'll always stand for You
But You took my place
Guilty of disgrace

I'll always stand for You
And so I'll take Your hand
But until that day, this world will turn away
On the Risen Son
Will turn their eyes
When everyone
A time will come

I'll always stand for You (x2)
I'll always stand
I'll always stand

But Jesus I still stand for You
Rejection brings
And I have felt the sting
When unbelief was all around
Jesus, I've stood my ground

I'll always stand for You (x2)
I'll always stand
I'll always stand

But Jesus I'll stand for You
And close me down
They will chase me out
No matter what You lead me through
Jesus, I stand for You

Relevant Tags:
II SStand FFor YYou tand or ou I tSand oFr oYu j ztand cor gou jI zStand cFor gYou Ij Sztand Fcor Ygou 9 wtand ror hou
9I wStand rFor hYou I9 Swtand Fror Yhou l dtand gor 6ou lI dStand gFor 6You Il Sdtand Fgor Y6ou o etand tor uou oI eStand tFor uYou
Io Setand Ftor Yuou k xtand vor 7ou kI xStand vFor 7You Ik Sxtand Fvor Y7ou 8 atand dor jou 8I aStand dFor jYou I8 Satand Fdor Yjou
u Sttand Foor tou uI Sand Fr tYou Iu Satnd Fro Ytou Sfand Fkr Yoou Sftand Fkor Yu Stfand Fokr Yuo S5and F9r Yku
S5tand F9or Ykou St5and Fo9r Yoku Shand F0r Y9u Shtand F0or Y9ou Sthand Fo0r Yo9u Syand Flr Y0u Sytand Flor Y0ou
Styand Folr Yo0u S6and Fir Ylu S6tand Fior Ylou St6and Foir Yolu Sgand Forr Yiu Sgtand Fo Yiou Stgand For Yoiu
Srand Fod Youu Srtand Fodr Yo Strand Ford You Staand Fo4 Yoh Stnd Fo4r Yohu Stnad For4 Youh Stznd Fog Yo7
Stzand Fogr Yo7u

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