Trick Or Treat
Evil Needs Candy Too

We are convict forever in a lonely world
We are immortal after every show

Our life is full of evil and pain
the joy, my dear, we'll never see
but we have a secret in our hidden-place

Deep in our room
we haven't only skeletons
Human flesh is very good but we eat also other things
Into the closet you will hear "crunch"
We are eating fastly our lunch
We're so greedy 'cause
Evil needs candy too....
Evil needs candy too!

Unpleasant time in the night when you stay awake
In front of TV you eat so much ice cream

We cannot kill the people in peace
If you dissuade us with your cakes
Smell of candy is more godd than blood
"Please, throw it away!!"

SOLO guitars

We love to eat children, their stomach
is full of sugaries and chocolate
Their parents niglict them and the next
child will come soon!


Mirror lyrics:


child will come soon!
Their parents niglict them and the next
is full of sugaries and chocolate
We love to eat children, their stomach

SOLO guitars

"Please, throw it away!!"
Smell of candy is more godd than blood
If you dissuade us with your cakes
We cannot kill the people in peace

In front of TV you eat so much ice cream
Unpleasant time in the night when you stay awake

Evil needs candy too!
Evil needs candy too....
We're so greedy 'cause
We are eating fastly our lunch
Into the closet you will hear "crunch"
Human flesh is very good but we eat also other things
we haven't only skeletons
Deep in our room

but we have a secret in our hidden-place
the joy, my dear, we'll never see
Our life is full of evil and pain

We are immortal after every show
We are convict forever in a lonely world

Relevant Tags:
EEvil NNeeds CCandy TToo vil eeds andy oo vEil eNeds aCndy oTo svil meeds fandy foo sEvil mNeeds fCandy fToo Esvil Nmeeds Cfandy Tfoo
3vil heeds xandy 5oo 3Evil hNeeds xCandy 5Too E3vil Nheeds Cxandy T5oo fvil jeeds vandy hoo fEvil jNeeds vCandy hToo Efvil Njeeds Cvandy Thoo
rvil beeds dandy yoo rEvil bNeeds dCandy yToo Ervil Nbeeds Cdandy Tyoo 4vil Neeeds Caandy 6oo 4Evil Neds Cndy 6Too E4vil Needs Cnady T6oo
dvil Nseds Czndy goo dEvil Nseeds Czandy gToo Edvil Neseds Cazndy Tgoo wvil N3eds Cqndy roo wEvil N3eeds Cqandy rToo Ewvil Ne3eds Caqndy Troo
Evvil Nfeds Csndy Tooo Eil Nfeeds Csandy To Eivl Nefeds Casndy Too Ebil Nreds Cwndy Tko Ebvil Nreeds Cwandy Tkoo Evbil Nereds Cawndy Toko
Ecil N4eds Cxndy T9o Ecvil N4eeds T9oo Evcil Ne4eds Caxndy To9o Egil Ndeds Canndy T0o Egvil Ndeeds Cady T0oo Evgil Nededs Cadny To0o
Efil Nweds Camdy Tlo Nweeds Camndy Tloo Evfil Neweds Canmdy Tolo Eviil Cahdy Tio Evl Cahndy Tioo Evli Nedes Canhdy Toio
Evjl Nesds Cajdy Evjil Cajndy Evijl Neesds Canjdy Ev9l Ne3ds Cabdy Tok

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