Triangle Sun
When The Rain Comes Falling Down

When the rain comes falling down
I'll be around you, right by your side
To make you feel so good

When the rain comes falling down
Even in your dreams
I'll be there, to give you all my love

When the rain comes falling down
You'll be sleeping, in my arms
Like a precious child

When the rain comes falling down
I'll be singing the sweetest lullaby
That you've ever heard

When the rain comes falling down...

Mirror lyrics:

When the rain comes falling down...

That you've ever heard
I'll be singing the sweetest lullaby
When the rain comes falling down

Like a precious child
You'll be sleeping, in my arms
When the rain comes falling down

I'll be there, to give you all my love
Even in your dreams
When the rain comes falling down

To make you feel so good
I'll be around you, right by your side
When the rain comes falling down

Relevant Tags:
WWhen TThe RRain CComes FFalling DDown hen he ain omes alling own hWen hTe aRin oCmes aFlling oDwn ahen fhe dain fomes calling xown aWhen fThe dRain fComes cFalling xDown
Wahen Tfhe Rdain Cfomes Fcalling Dxown 3hen 5he 4ain xomes ralling eown 3When 5The 4Rain xComes rFalling eDown W3hen T5he R4ain Cxomes Fralling Deown dhen hhe gain vomes galling fown
dWhen hThe gRain vComes gFalling fDown Wdhen Thhe Rgain Cvomes Fgalling Dfown ehen yhe tain domes talling rown eWhen yThe tRain dComes tFalling rDown Wehen Tyhe Rtain Cdomes Ftalling Drown
shen 6he 5ain Coomes valling cown sWhen 6The 5Rain Cmes vFalling cDown Wshen T6he R5ain Cmoes Fvalling Dcown 2hen ghe fain Ckmes dalling sown 2When gThe fRain Ckomes dFalling sDown
W2hen Tghe Rfain Cokmes Fdalling Dsown qhen rhe eain C9mes Faalling Doown qWhen rThe eRain C9omes Flling Dwn Wqhen Trhe Reain Co9mes Flaling Dwon Whhen Raain C0mes Fzlling Dkwn
Wen Te Rin C0omes Fzalling Dkown Wehn Teh Rian Co0mes Fazlling Dokwn Wjen Tje Rzin Clmes Fqlling D9wn Wjhen Tjhe Rzain Clomes Fqalling D9own Whjen Thje Razin Colmes Faqlling Do9wn
Wuen Tue Rqin Cimes Fslling D0wn Wuhen Tuhe Rqain Ciomes Fsalling D0own Whuen Thue Raqin Coimes Faslling Do0wn Wnen Tne Rsin Commes Fwlling Dlwn Wnhen Tnhe Rsain Coes Fwalling Dlown
Whnen Thne Rasin Coems Fawlling Dolwn Wben Tbe Rwin Cojes Fxlling Diwn Wbhen Tbhe Rwain Cojmes Fxalling Diown Whben Thbe Rawin Comjes Faxlling Doiwn Wgen Tge Rxin Cokes Fallling Dowwn
Wghen Rxain Faling Don Whgen Thge Raxin Comkes Falling Donw Wyen Tye Raiin Cones Fakling Doan Wyhen Ran Conmes Faklling Doawn Whyen Thye Rani Comnes Falkling Dowan
Wheen Thee Rajn Comees Faoling Do3n Whn Th Rajin Coms Faolling Do3wn Whne The Raijn Comse Faloling Dow3n Whsn Ths Ra9n Comss Fapling Dodn Whsen Thse Ra9in Comses Faplling Dodwn
Whesn Thes Rai9n Comess Falpling Dowdn Wh3n Th3 Raln Com3s Doen Wh3en Th3e Ralin Com3es Doewn Whe3n The3 Railn Come3s Falilng Dowen Whfn Thf Raon Comfs Falking Dosn
Whfen Thfe Raoin Comfes Doswn

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