Unni Wilhelmsen
Autumn Dawning


Do you know Eve, the mother of all?
She pads around her garden. No neighbours, no walls.
Shes put her with free will. Atleast thats what we`re told.
And if holy men speaks differntly; their systems might apploud.

This morning theres a different viuw from her shelter beneeth the trees.
The paler shade of green is new, as far as she can see
And Eve calls Adam, her lover and friend.
The man God gave the key. She calls him again

Barefoot he is walking, with his bedroom look and all
The most handsome man on earth standing tall
-see the leafes, she sais. Convincing their golden lines
-and I was cold last night, hey baby, are you feeling allright?

Adam looks away.
A distant gaze in his eyes.
His cheeks are stale, his lips are dry.
He doesn`t reply

Time passes. Now yellow the trees.
Shes the first woman to ever see the river freeze
Butterflies dies. Birds out of sight.
And he hasn`t held her in his arms the past thirteen nights.

Next morning Eve finds her man
The sun is gone
Her eyes are sore, she is crying
What on earth is going on?

Then Adam speaks, and this were never spoken.
This words never heard since man had awoken.
-I dont.. love you... Anymore. I have to let you go

Fall had never been before
Winter had never stood before their door.
But now, ever so slow, Paradise is covered in snow

Mirror lyrics:

But now, ever so slow, Paradise is covered in snow
Winter had never stood before their door.
Fall had never been before

-I dont.. love you... Anymore. I have to let you go
This words never heard since man had awoken.
Then Adam speaks, and this were never spoken.

What on earth is going on?
Her eyes are sore, she is crying
The sun is gone
Next morning Eve finds her man

And he hasn`t held her in his arms the past thirteen nights.
Butterflies dies. Birds out of sight.
Shes the first woman to ever see the river freeze
Time passes. Now yellow the trees.

He doesn`t reply
His cheeks are stale, his lips are dry.
A distant gaze in his eyes.
Adam looks away.

-and I was cold last night, hey baby, are you feeling allright?
-see the leafes, she sais. Convincing their golden lines
The most handsome man on earth standing tall
Barefoot he is walking, with his bedroom look and all

The man God gave the key. She calls him again
And Eve calls Adam, her lover and friend.
The paler shade of green is new, as far as she can see
This morning theres a different viuw from her shelter beneeth the trees.

And if holy men speaks differntly; their systems might apploud.
Shes put her with free will. Atleast thats what we`re told.
She pads around her garden. No neighbours, no walls.
Do you know Eve, the mother of all?


Relevant Tags:
AAutumn DDawning utumn awning uAtumn aDwning zutumn xawning zAutumn xDawning Azutumn Dxawning qutumn eawning qAutumn eDawning
Aqutumn Deawning sutumn fawning sAutumn fDawning Asutumn Dfawning wutumn rawning wAutumn rDawning Awutumn Drawning xutumn cawning
xAutumn cDawning Axutumn Dcawning Auutumn sawning Atumn sDawning Atuumn Dsawning Ahtumn Daawning Ahutumn Dwning Auhtumn Dwaning
A7tumn Dzwning A7utumn Dzawning Au7tumn Dazwning Aktumn Dqwning Akutumn Dqawning Auktumn Daqwning Aitumn Dswning Aiutumn
Auitumn Daswning A8tumn Dwwning A8utumn Dwawning Au8tumn Dawwning Ajtumn Dxwning Ajutumn Aujtumn Daxwning Aytumn
Ayutumn Daning Auytumn Danwing Auttumn Daaning Auumn Auutmn Dawaning Aufumn Da3ning Auftumn Da3wning Autfumn Daw3ning
Au5umn Dadning Au5tumn Dadwning Aut5umn Dawdning Auhumn Daening Daewning Authumn Dawening Auyumn Dasning Autyumn Dawsning
Au6umn Da2ning Au6tumn Da2wning Aut6umn Daw2ning Augumn Daqning Augtumn Autgumn Dawqning Aurumn Dawnning

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