Watching Me Slip (album Becoming I)

so I sit here alone trying to find my own
way to cope with everything that I've done wrong
so I try real hard not to see what you've done to me
but I couldn't find my heart
and there won't be any silence till its gone
there won't be any silence till i'm

look away your watching me
as I slip away
cause everything I know just falls apart
now its me as I slip away
cause everything I know just falls apart

so I try real hard not to see what you've done to me
but I couldn't find a way
than i'll see
my own way to cope with everything
that i've done wrong

and there won't be any silence till its gone
there won't be any silence till i'm

look away your watching me
as I slip away
cause everything I know just falls apart
now its me as I slip away
cause everything I know just falls a-it just, it just falls apart
and its cause i'm not enough to bring down
i'm not enough to bring you down
i'm not enough to make you happy
i'm not enough to make you stay

Mirror lyrics:

i'm not enough to make you stay
i'm not enough to make you happy
i'm not enough to bring you down
and its cause i'm not enough to bring down
cause everything I know just falls a-it just, it just falls apart
now its me as I slip away
cause everything I know just falls apart
as I slip away
look away your watching me

there won't be any silence till i'm
and there won't be any silence till its gone

that i've done wrong
my own way to cope with everything
than i'll see
but I couldn't find a way
so I try real hard not to see what you've done to me

cause everything I know just falls apart
now its me as I slip away
cause everything I know just falls apart
as I slip away
look away your watching me

there won't be any silence till i'm
and there won't be any silence till its gone
but I couldn't find my heart
so I try real hard not to see what you've done to me
way to cope with everything that I've done wrong
so I sit here alone trying to find my own

Relevant Tags:
WWatching MMe SSlip ((album BBecoming II) atching e lip album ecoming ) aWtching eM lSip a(lbum eBcoming )I aatching je zlip (aalbum vecoming j) aWatching jMe zSlip (lbum vBecoming jI)
Waatching Mje Szlip (labum Bvecoming Ij) 3atching ke wlip (zlbum gecoming 9) 3Watching kMe wSlip (zalbum gBecoming 9I) W3atching Mke Swlip (azlbum Bgecoming I9) datching ne dlip (qlbum necoming l)
dWatching nMe dSlip (qalbum nBecoming lI) Wdatching Mne Sdlip (aqlbum Bnecoming Il) eatching Mee elip (slbum hecoming o) eWatching M eSlip (salbum hBecoming oI) Weatching Me Selip (aslbum Bhecoming Io)
satching Ms xlip (wlbum Beecoming k) sWatching Mse xSlip (walbum Bcoming kI) Wsatching Mes Sxlip (awlbum Bceoming Ik) 2atching M3 alip (xlbum Bscoming 8) 2Watching M3e aSlip (xalbum Bsecoming 8I)
W2atching Me3 Salip (axlbum Bescoming I8) qatching Mf Sllip (allbum B3coming u) qWatching Mfe Sip (abum B3ecoming uI) Wqatching Mef Silp (ablum Be3coming Iu) Mr Skip (akbum Bfcoming I))
Wtching Mre Sklip (aklbum Bfecoming I Wtaching Mer Slkip (alkbum Befcoming I) Wztching M4 Soip (aobum Brcoming Wzatching M4e Solip (aolbum Brecoming Waztching Me4 Sloip (alobum Bercoming
Wqtching Md Spip (apbum B4coming Mde Splip (aplbum B4ecoming Waqtching Med Slpip (alpbum Be4coming Wstching Mw Sliip (albbum Bdcoming Mwe Slp (alum Bdecoming
Wastching Mew Slpi (alubm Bedcoming Wwtching Sljp (alvum Bwcoming Wwatching Sljip (alvbum Bwecoming Wawtching Slijp (albvum Bewcoming Wxtching Sl9p (algum Beccoming
Wxatching Sl9ip (algbum Beoming Waxtching Sli9p (albgum Beocming Wattching Sllp (alnum Befoming Waching (alnbum Wacthing Slilp (albnum Becfoming
Wafching Slop (alhum Bexoming Waftching (alhbum Bexcoming Watfching Sliop (albhum Becxoming Wa5ching Slkp (albuum Bevoming Wa5tching (albm Bevcoming
Wat5ching Slikp (albmu Becvoming Wahching Sl8p (albhm Bedoming Wahtching Sl8ip Wathching Sli8p (albuhm Becdoming Wayching Slup (alb7m Becooming
Waytching Sluip (alb7um Becming Watyching Sliup (albu7m Becmoing Wa6ching Slipp (albkm Beckming Wa6tching Sli (albkum Beckoming Wat6ching Slip (albukm Becokming
Wagching Sli0 (albim Bec9ming Wagtching Sli0p (albium Bec9oming Watgching Slip0 (albuim Beco9ming Warching Slil (alb8m Bec0ming Wartching (alb8um Bec0oming
Watrching Slipl (albu8m Beco0ming Watcching Slio (albjm Beclming Wathing (albjum Becloming Wathcing Slipo (albujm Becolming Watfhing (albym Beciming
(albyum Becioming Watcfhing (albuym Becoiming Watxhing (albumm Becomming Watxching (albu Becoing Watcxhing (album Becoimng
Watvhing (albuj Becojing Watvching Becojming

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