Unleashed Power
Thou Shalt Live

Searching deep within your heart

to find some real solutions

From the regrets one must depart

avoiding the disillusions

With all the things that will discourage

can one find the power of courage

To live with contradictions

yet there will always be hope

for faith will move the mountains

inducing the strength to cope

Are you really alive

Do you really live

Can you truly fight it

Where's the will to give

refusing, resisting the fiery temptations

Albeit the temptations lure

is the strength to resist so sure

and remaining doubt encroaches

consequently guilt reproaches

With all the things that will discourage

can one find the power of courage

To live with contradictions

yet there will always be hope

for faith will move the mountains

inducing the strength to cope

Mirror lyrics:

inducing the strength to cope

for faith will move the mountains

yet there will always be hope

To live with contradictions

can one find the power of courage

With all the things that will discourage

consequently guilt reproaches

and remaining doubt encroaches

is the strength to resist so sure

Albeit the temptations lure

refusing, resisting the fiery temptations

Where's the will to give

Can you truly fight it

Do you really live

Are you really alive

inducing the strength to cope

for faith will move the mountains

yet there will always be hope

To live with contradictions

can one find the power of courage

With all the things that will discourage

avoiding the disillusions

From the regrets one must depart

to find some real solutions

Searching deep within your heart

Relevant Tags:
TThou SShalt LLive hou halt ive hTou hSalt iLve fhou zhalt kive fThou zShalt kLive Tfhou Szhalt Lkive 5hou whalt oive
5Thou wShalt oLive T5hou Swhalt Loive hhou dhalt pive hThou dShalt pLive Thhou Sdhalt Lpive yhou ehalt Liive yThou eShalt Lve
Tyhou Sehalt Lvie 6hou xhalt Ljve 6Thou xShalt Ljive T6hou Sxhalt Lijve ghou ahalt L9ve gThou aShalt L9ive Tghou Sahalt Li9ve
rhou Shhalt Llve rThou Salt Llive Trhou Sahlt Lilve Sjalt Love Tou Sjhalt Tohu Shjalt Liove Tjou Sualt Lkve
Tjhou Suhalt Thjou Shualt Likve Tuou Snalt L8ve Tuhou Snhalt L8ive Thuou Shnalt Li8ve Tnou Sbalt Luve Tnhou Sbhalt Luive
Thnou Shbalt Liuve Tbou Sgalt Livve Tbhou Sghalt Lie Thbou Shgalt Liev Tgou Syalt Libe Syhalt Libve Thgou Shyalt Livbe
Tyou Shaalt Lice Shlt Licve Thyou Shlat Livce Thoou Shzlt Lige Thu Shzalt Ligve Thuo Shazlt Livge

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